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高一英语Unit5同步复习题:Nelson Mandela—a modern hero(含答案)



英语的母语使用者数量位居世界第三,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高一英语Unit5同步复习题,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。


1.It’s important to learn to take a positive attitude __________ life when you are __________ trouble.

A.to;under        B.of;in

C.to;in       D.with;in

解析:选C。句意:当你处于困境中时,学会对生活保持乐观的态度是很重要的。名词attitude后用介词to或towards;in trouble处于困境中。

2.(2011年启东检测)The government has __________ a committee to examine the fishing industry.

A.set up       B.set aside

C.set down      D.set off

解析:选A。考查短语辨析。set up设立,建立。句意:政府已成立了一个委员会来检查捕鱼业。set aside将……放在一边,为……节省或保留(钱或时间);set down记下,放下,登记;set off出发,动身,使爆炸。

3.We all know that hard working and plain living are fine __________ of our Chinese people.

A.qualities      B.manners

C.deeds       D.acts


4.The owner of the mine was __________ to twenty years because he had broken the law to employ children as miners.

A.sentenced      B.trapped

C.sheltered      D.buried

解析:选A。be sentenced to...被判处……。句意:这个矿主因为非法雇佣童工被判处二十年的徒刑。

5.Students should be __________ in class.Only listening without taking part in the activities is not good for one’s study.

A.passive       B.active

C.curious       D.lazy


6.Ms.Black is considered a __________ lady by her neighbors,for she often helps the poor old man next door.

A.generous      B.hopeful

C.mean       D.selfish

解析:选A。结合语境“for she often helps the poor old man”推断出她很“慷慨(generous)”。

7.Most of the audience had a high __________ of the performance of our footballers in the match against Iran.

A.idea       B.sense

C.opinion       D.thought

解析:选C。have a high opinion of对……评价很好。

8.(2011年郑州调研)A notice was __________ in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.

A.sent up       B.given up

C.set up       D.put up

解析:选D。send up发射;give up放弃;set up建立;put up张贴。put up a notice张贴通知。

9.The crash was __________ by millions of viewers who were watching the race on TV.

A.witnessed      B.heard

C.found       D.watched

解析:选A。句意:上百万观看电视比赛的观众目击了这次撞车事故。witness在此意为“当场看到;目击”。watch侧重指“观看;注意看”,多用于watch a game,watch TV等。

10.All of us still remember the terrible earthquake that __________ Wenchuan several years ago.

A.attacked      B.struck

C.knocked      D.exploded



1.It was very dangerous because if I was caught I ________________(我可能要坐牢).(put)

解析:考查虚拟语气和被动语态。“坐牢”要表达为be put in prison,本句是对现在时间的虚拟,故主句动词用“could+动词原形”。

答案:could be put in prison

2.The old man became very worried,standing at the gate,unable to find a man to ________________(他可以求助的).(turn)

解析:考查定语从句。“求助”要表达为turn to sb.for help,本题中介词to提前了,所以关系代词要用whom。

答案:whom he could turn for help

3.Only then ________________(他才愿意)take my advice that the meeting be put off.(willing)

解析:考查倒装结构。“only +状语”谓语句首时,主句谓语用倒装形式;由短语be willing to do sth.可知答案。

答案:was he willing to

4.The old man ________________(非常喜欢)travelling that he spent almost all his savings for it.(fond)

解析:考查状语从句。本题是so...that结构;由短语be fond of可知答案。

答案:was so fond of

5.What’s the name of the place ________________(你度假的) last year?(spend)


答案:where you spent your holiday

6.Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first ________________(登上月球的). But they were not the last.(land)


答案:to land on the moon

7.On the mountain ________________(有一座庙)at an altitude of more than 3,000 metres above the sea level.(lie)


答案:lies a temple

8.The miners ________________(被困的)in the mine for days were finally rescued.(trap)


答案:(who had been)trapped


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