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高一英语Unit5同步测试:《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》




I. 单项选择

1. I’d like a cup of coffee, please.

—How do you like it ?

— _____________ .

A.I like it very much    B.I like it black

C.It tastes a bit bitter    D.I won’t tell you

2.    we first heard of the man referred to as a computer specialist in software.

A.It was Hilary that              B.That it was from Hilary

C.It was from Hilary whom      D.It was from Hilary that

3. He is a strict but kind teacher , _______ is always trying to make his classes _______ and interesting .

A.one ; living       B.one who; lively  C.he ; lovely     D.he who; live

4. How about all of us _______ for a walk after supper?

A. to do out            B. will go out         C. going out           D. go out

5. Although knocked by down by a car, he managed to ______ to his feet.

A. stand   B. rise   C. run   D. struggle

6. We were lost in the forest; ______, it became dark and began raining.

A. still worse   B. worse still   C. more worse   D. worse more

7. He says he really can’t ______ to wait another day.

A. waste   B. afford   C. spend   D. cost

8. When we think of communication, we _____ think of using things, talking face to face, writing messages and so on.

A. shortly   B. probably  C. practically   D. normally

9. Will you please spare me some mink? I have ______ it.

A. run down of   B. run out of   C. run out from D. run off

10. When I came in, I saw him ______ in a chair deep in thought.

A. sat   B. seated   C. seating    D. being seated

11. A person’s ____ body temperature is about 37C.

A. ordinary  B. normal   C. common  D. usual

12. – Do you think the Suns will beat Bulls?

--Yes. They have better players, so I _____ them to win.

A. hope   B. prefer   C. expect  D. want

13. As the strong winds blew down many tall trees, some of the streets in the city were _______.

A. struck   B. caught    C. crowded   D. blocked

14. Scientists are afraid that some day an even bigger earthquake will _____ the area.

A. strike    B. beat    C. knock   D. push

15. There have been several ______ drowning here this summer.

A. death   B. deaths from    C. death of   D. deaths of

16. I’ve worked with kids before, so I know what ______in my job.

A. expected   B. to expect   C. to be expecting  D. expect

17.   The old worker has been fired and now a young man ______.

A. took place          B. has taken the place

C. takes place of him    D. has taken his place

18.   He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ____a goal.

A. had scored   B. scored   C. would score   D. would have scored

19. I _______ my son not to walk beside the river, but he wouldn’t listen.

A. suggested  B. hoped   C. warned    D. persuaded

20. _____ in her best skirt, the girl tried to make herself ____ at the party.

A. Dressed; noticed   B. Dressing; noticing

C. Dressing; noticed   D. Dressed; noticing

Ⅱ. 完形填空

I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Company. Among the 21 we discuss in our classes is the 22 of quality employees (雇员)

“What has caused you to stay 23 enough to become a manager?" I asked. After a while a new manager took the 24 and said slowly, "it was a baseball glove.”

Cynthia said she used to 25 a Circle K clerk job as an interim (时临的.) one while she looked for something 26 . On her second day behind the counter, she received a ( an)27 from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. He 28 a baseball glove for the little League. She 29  that as a single mother, money was   30   , and her first check would have to go for paying 31.

When Cynthia arrived for work the next morning, Partircia, the store manager asked her to come to her small office and handed her a box. “I overheard you 32 to your son yesterday,” she said, “and I know that it is 33 to explain things to kids. This is a baseball glove for Jessie. I know you have to pay bills 34 you can buy gloves. You know we can’t 35 good people like you as 36 as we would like to; but we do 37 and I want you to know how 38 you are to us.”

The thoughtfulness, empathy (同情) and love of the store manager show vividly that people  39 more how much a( n) 40 cares than how much he pays.

21. A. topics   B. problems    C. difficulties  D. lessons

22. A. employing    B. praising      C. keeping      D. improving

23. A. soon     B. long    C. strong D. calm

24. A. position       B. decision      C. question     D. advice

25. A. take      B. change       C. lose    D. consider

26. A. lighter   B. easier  C. better  D. higher

27. A. letter    B. call     C. answer       D. email

28. A. bought  B. kept    C. needed       D. offered

29. A. complained  B. explained    C. understood D. admitted

30. A. short    B. enough       C. spare  D. tight

31. A. food     B. education    C. clothes       D. bills

32. A. talking  B. crying C. arguing      D. scolding

33. A. easy     B. hard    C. simple D. nice

34. A. after     B. until    C. when  D. before

35. A. value    B. remain C. pay     D. fire

36. A. much   B. many  C. pleasant      D. possible

37. A. regret   B. agree   C. worry D. care

38. A. excellent      B. important    C. thankful     D. thoughtful

39. A. remember    B. refuse C. thank  D. realize

40. A. mother B. clerk   C. official       D. manager


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