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I. 单项选择

1. Only when students _____ willing to learn can they be active _____ learning activities.

A. will become; in C. become; with C. will become; for D. become; in

2. Heroes are made by the time they live in and _____ in time of danger or difficulty is one of

the fine qualities that can be found _____ them.

A. brave; in B. being brave; in D. bravery; of D. to be brave; of

3. _____ and you will be in hell; Keep up and you will be in paradise.

A. Lose heart B. Lose your heart C. Losing heart D. Losing your heart

4. The island country had fought _____ the invaders for more than ten years _____it became an

independent republic.

A. against; before B. against; when C. with; since D. for; while

5. Everybody likes to get along with someone who is generous _____ his money and dislikes

____with someone who is mean with it.

A. with; to get along B. for; getting C. with; getting D. to; to get along

6. On the dark street, there were no people around _____ she could turn for help.

A. to whom B. with whom C. by whom D. for whom

7. People are strongly advised _____ legal means to settle their disputes.

A. to take B. taking C. take D. to be taken

8. As he ______ to his work that he didn’t notice that it was already past midnight.

A. was so busy B. so devoted C. was so devoted D. was so turned

9. To answer violence ____ violence can only result in more violence.

A. with B. by C. for D. to

10. It was ten years ago ______ that republic was _______.

A. when; set up B. that; came into being C. when; founded D. that founded

11. Being _____ of the 21st century, we should display ourselves on the stage of science and

technology ____ the full.

A. the youth; to B. youths; to C. a youth; with D. youth; by

12. In my opinion, that country would suffer more terror attacks if a woman president ______.

A. comes into power B. came into power C. is voted D. voted

13. Everybody in my family believes that my sister is equal _____ our old sick grandmother but I

hold the opposite opinion.

A. to take care of B. to taking care of C. with taking care of D. taking care of

14. Though the blacks in the United states have been fighting for equal rights ____ the whites for

many years, they _____ won the battle.

A. to; still haven’t B. to; haven’t still C. with; still haven’t D. with; haven’t still

15. When they awoke the next morning, they were surprised to find a ___ of fog floating in the air.

A. cover B. blanket C. piece D. mixture

16. Whatever we have achieved, we should always _____ against pride.

A. protect B. guard C. defend D. prevent

17. The layer thought it unfair for his client to _______ ten years in prison just because he had

helped the robbers escape.

A. to be sentenced B. to sentenced to C. to be sentenced to D. have sentenced to

18. The leaders from six countries are discussing whether it is necessary to ____a special

committee to deal with the worldwide terror attack.

A. put up B. set up C. build up D. found up

19. A(n)_______ of 10,000 dollars was _____ to anyone who could provide any clues leading to

the catch of the criminals who tried to murder the president.

A. award; offered B. reward; given C. prize; provided D. reward; offered


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