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高一英语上册Unit5随堂练习Nelson Mandela—a modern hero





1.Why did the name of Robben Island make them afraid?

A.Because Robben Island was an island that was not beautiful. B.Because they spent the hardest time of their lives there. C.Because Robben Island was a bad man’s name. D.Because Robben Island was not their home. 2.Mr.Mandela began a school to ________.

A.make some money B.spend his spare time C.teach some prisoners

D.make friends with the prisoners

3.Why did Mr.Mandela allow the prison guards to study too?

A.Because he needed the guards’ help.

B.Because he thought the guards had their rights to study. C.Because the guards were black people too. D.Because the guards could pass their exams. 4.How long was Elias in prison named Robben Island?

A.Four years. B.Four months. C.Four weeks. D.Four days.

5.Elias lost his job because ________.

A.he wasn’t well educated when he was in prison B.the boss knew he had been in prison C.he was not fit for his work

D.he didn’t get on well with the other workers Ⅱ.单词检测

1.v.________逃脱;________教育;________请求,乞求;________酬劳;________判决 2.n._______毛毯;______亲戚;______恐怖;______残忍;______总统;______意见 3.adj.________有教养的;________反黑人的 Ⅲ.短语检测

1.________________丧失勇气或信心 2.________________当权,上台 3.________________设立,建立

4.________________被判处??(徒刑) 5.________________________阻止某人做某事 Ⅳ.选词填空


1.The best way to teach your children to read is to ________ him with lots of praise. 2.They will start their project to help the poor children to be ________ in the west of China.

3.The old man has five children,but he becomes a ________,begging from door to door.

4.He managed to ________ from the big fire into the street. 5.The man was __________ to death for murder.

6.It is always better to share your worries and troubles with your friends or __________.

7.I don’t know whether he is ________ to come. 8.I can’t stand some people’s ________ to animals. Ⅴ.完成句子

1.Mr.Black had failed many times in this experiment,but he _______________(没有丧失信心).

2.It is reported that __________________________________________________________


3.________________________(依我的观点),it’s wrong to cheat in examinations. 4.The judge ________________________________________________________________

(判处她三个月监禁) for shoplifting.

5.I ________________________________(本应该更努力地学习) when I was young. 6.____________________________(我第一次去杭州时),I was struck by its beautiful scenery. Ⅵ.单项填空

1.Luckily,he escaped ________ in the accident yesterday on this road.

A.to kill

B.killing D.being killed

C.to be killed

2.Please don’t ________.I’m sure that you’ll do better next time.

A.lose your heart C.lose heart

B.lose hearts

D.lose your hearts

3.He is so kind that he is always ready to help those ________.

A.get into trouble C.have trouble

B.in trouble D.make trouble


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