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高一英语必修1Unit5跟踪训练:Nelson Mandela—a modern hero





1.As ______ matter of fact, ______ beauty of ______ nature there made an excellent impression on me.

A.a; the; /        B.a; the; the

C.the; the; / D.a; /; the


解析:考查冠词。as a matter of fact 实际上,事实上;nature 指"大自然",不用冠词。

2.The police ______ roadblocks on routes out of the city to prevent the criminal from escaping.

A.set up B.set back

C.set down D.set aside


解析:set up "建立,设立"合题意。set back 阻碍;set down 写下,记下;set aside 留下。

3.(2010·临川一中)Although ______ my opinion, the old professor didn't come up with his own.

A.in B.against

C.for D.on


解析:考查介词用法。语意:虽然老教授反对我的观点,但是他也没有提出自己的观点。前半句是"Although he was against my opinion"的省略结构。

4.-Did you give the book to him?

-Yes. I gave it to him ______ I saw him.

A.once B.the moment

C.while D.suddenly


解析:the moment 用做连词,引导时间状语从句,意为"一......就......"。

5.They agreed to the plan ______, but there were some details they didn't like.

A.in danger B.in peace

C.in principle D.in common


解析:考查介词短语。in principle"原则上,大体上"合题意。in danger 危险; in peace 和平;in common 和......一样。

6.Courage is one of the best ______ of a good soldier.

A.quality B.quantity

C.qualification D.feature


解析:指"品质"用 quality。B.数量;C.资格;D.特色,特征。

7.Mr Read made up his mind to devote all he had to ______ some schools for poor children.

A.set up B.have set up

C.setting up D.having set up


解析:句中的 all后面的 he had为定语从句,此题考查动词短语 devote...to 的用法。to为介词,排除A、B两项。set up schools的动作并未发生,排除D项。

8.Fitness is important in sport, but of at least ______ importance are skills.

A.fair B.reasonable

C.equal D.proper


解析:be of equal importance 具有同等的重要性。

9.You were lucky to escape ______.

A.punished B.from punishing

C.being punished D.from being punished


解析:escape being punished=escape punishment 逃过受罚。

10.(2009·宜昌模拟) It is said that the police have offered a large ______ for information leading to the robber's arrest.

A.award B.prize

C.reward D.welfare


解析:指"奖赏、酬金"用 reward。

11.In 2009, 3.88 million students graduated from colleges and universities, ______ 20% increase from 2008, some of whom remain out of ______work.

A./; / B.a; /

C.a; the D.the; /


解析:第一空表示"一个20%的增长率"用a;第二空 out of work "失业"。

12.When ______ great trouble, you should learn to make the quick choice without someone to turn ______ for advice.

A.in; down B.in; to

C.into; up D.under; to


解析:考查固定搭配。 in trouble处在困难中;turn to sb. for sth. 向某人请求某物/事。

13.Only ______ as an interpreter ______ how important it was to practise speaking English.

A.when I worked; I realized

B.when did I work; did I realize

C.when I work; did I realize

D.when I worked; did I realize



14. The old man told us not to remain ______ there was danger.

A.in which B.the place where

C.at the place D.where


解析:考查 where 引导的地点状语从句,此时不能换成 in which,相当于 at the place where/in which。

15.______, and Charles felt hopeless.

A.Sentenced to death

B.As he was sentenced to death

C.Sentencing to death

D.He was sentenced to death


解析:考查句式用法。由于有连词 and,故选D。


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