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人教版高一英语必修1同步练习《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》





1. We have no    them out.

A. difficult in working B. difficulties with working

C. difficulty to work D. difficulty working

2. How did the accident   ?

A. come out B. come along C. come about D. come across

3. Cleaning women in big cities usually get    by ______hour.

A. paid; / B. paying; an C. to pay; a D. paid; the

4. A meeting was held ______ those who lost their lives in the fight against SARS.

A. in honor of B. in praise of C. in case of D. in face of

5. His red face suggested he _____ angry and I suggested that he_____ at once.

A. should be, should leave B. was, left C. was, leave D. be, left

6. Don't _______. Try again, and you will succeed.

A. lose your heart B. lose the heart C. lose heart D. lose hearts

7. The boy looks stupid, but _______ he is smart.

A. in a fact B. as a fact C. in a matter of fact D. as a matter of fact

8. ------Did you call him last night?

-----I _________ him, but he was not at home.

A. was call B. did call C. was called D. did called

9. They are fighting ______ us _______ the enemy.

A. with; against B. for; against C. with; for D. with; at

10. They lived a hard life then, for their father _______ for half a year.

A. had lost his work B. has lost his work

C. had been out of work D. has been out of work

11. Mr. White ______ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn't show up.

A. should have arrived B. should arrive

C. should have had arrived D. should be arriving

12. I thought her nice and honest _________ I met her.

A. first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. by the first time

13. The city ______ the greatest earthquake in the 21st century.

A. saw B. seen C. knew D. knows

14. Now we are in a position _______ we have to accept that we are wrong.

A. on which B. where C. when D. that

15. Only in this way _______ the problem.

A. can you solve B. solve you can C. you can solve D. do you can solve

二. 单词拼写:

1. He examined the q_____ of the furniture carefully.

2. Doctor Manette was kept a p________ in Bastil for 18 years . and at last he was set free .

3. George Bush, p_________ of the USA , visited our country last year.

4. People all over the world love to live a p__________ life, they hate wars.

5. Many people say too much v________ is shown on television.

6. T________ have claimed responsibility for the bomb blast (爆炸) which killed 20 people.

7. Compared with men, women can't still get the e___________ pay though doing the same work as they.

8. Almost all the jobs require ___________(受过教育的) workers.


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