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高中一年级必修1英语单元测试题:unit 4




“After four days in hospital, a 35-year-old woman died of bird flu in the western part of Indonesia on Tuesday, raising the country’s deaths to 57, and the source of infection (传染) was still unknown,” a senior health ministry official said.

The H5N1 virus has killed at least 153 people worldwide since it began hitting Asian poultry (家禽) in late 2003, according to the World Health Organization, with over a third of the human deaths in Indonesia.

Most of those killed have been infected by house-kept poultry, but WHO fears the virus could turn into a form that easily spreads among humans, causing a nationwide disease with the possibility to kill millions.

Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous (人口稠密的) country and home to millions of backyard chickens, is looked upon as a possible hot place for that to happen.

The government came under fire for moving slowly to get rid of the virus when it first appeared in chickens and ducks, but has worked hard in recent months to make the public know about the dangers of bird flu.

It has also increased vaccinations (接种疫苗) and killing of birds in infected areas. But no one knows whether the action will work. After all, bird flu has been there for more than two years and killed so many people.

68. This passage probably appears on the ________ page of a newspaper.

A. sports               B. entertainment

C. health and life        D. travel

69. The underlined part “came under fire” in Paragraph 5 probably means _________.

A. caught fire         B. became angry

C. got criticized (批评)        D. was warm

70. Since late 2003, the H5N1 virus has killed more than 50 people ________.

A. in Indonesia             B. in Asia

C. all over the world       D. in Europe

71. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Millions of people in Indonesia will be killed by the H5N1 virus.

B. Indonesia is a hot place for bird flu to happen because it has a big population of humans and chickens.

C. The government of Indonesia didn’t do anything against bird flu.

D. The source of inflection that killed the 35-year-old woman was a bird.


A person who is deaf when he is born is usually dumb (哑的) as well. There may be nothing wrong with his mouth and tongue, but he cannot speak. This is because he cannot hear people, so he has nothing to imitate (模仿). He may try to make sounds himself, but cannot hear his own voice. However, even though he finds it difficult to speak and cannot hear, he can learn to read. Nowadays such persons can also be taught to speak because we have modern methods and equipment, but we did not have these when Helen Keller was born.

Even with modern methods and equipment, however, it is not easy for deaf children to learn to speak, though most of them succeed. When a child is deaf and blind as well, it becomes much more difficult, though it is possible. Helen Keller was born in 1880. She became very ill at the age of nineteen months. Medical knowledge was not as great then as it is now. She did not die but lost her sight and hearing. As a result, she became dumb as well. Her parents did their best to teach her, but she couldn’t speak by the age of six.

Then, in 1887, a teacher, Miss Sullivan, came to live with her. Miss Sullivan herself had been blind. She had been partly cured. Though she could not see very well, she was not blind. Helen was a difficult pupil at first, but in a month Helen had learned how to understand signs and how to make them herself. At last in spite of her great difficulties, Helen learned to read, write and speak, even though she was deaf and blind. She even went to college and had full education. She wrote many books, and though other people have written books about her, her own books are the ones that best explain how it feels to be deaf, dumb and blind. Her best book is The Story of My Life. Perhaps you have read it. Though it was written in 1902, it is still a very interesting book. Even if you have not read it, you may have heard of Helen Keller.

72. A person who is deaf at birth is also dumb because ___.

A. there’s something wrong with his mouth and tongue

B. he cannot hear other people and he has nothing to imitate

C. he doesn’t like to speak

D. he cannot hear his own voice

73. Deaf and dumb children can be taught to speak nowadays because ________.

A. we have modern methods and equipment

B. these children are eager to learn to speak

C. they can hear something

D. they have grown up

74. When Helen was nineteen months old, _______.

A. she died of illness

B. she was healthy

C. she was very ill

D. she began to learn to speak

75. How long did it take Keller to understand signs?

A. A few days.                 B. Several years.

C. A moment.                D. A month.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

I often dream of a teacher. I dream of standing on the                                                  76. ______

platform in the classroom and give lessons to lovely boys

77. ______

and girls. I teach them, play with them, but watch them

78. ______

growing up. I am always young when I was staying

79. ______

with them. I know there is not easy to be a teacher. You

80. ______

have to learn in order to teach. With enough knowledge,

81. ______

you can never learn well. What is more, you have to

82. ______

be friends with your pupils and take good care of him.

83. ______

Only in this way can you be a good teacher and win

84. ______

respect from them. Though I am a student now,

I will work as very hard to make my dream come true.



高一年级上册英语同步练习:Unit4 Earthquakes



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