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2016年高一英语必修一同步练习题Unit 4 Earthquakes





1.He’s going to relax with friends once the exams are __________ and he has exciting plans for the summer holidays.

A.at the end       B.by the end

C.in the end            D.at an end

解析:选D。be at an end表示“结束,终结”,符合句意。at the end(of)在(……的)末端;by the end(of)到(……)结束时;in the end最后。

2.Hearing her only son killed in the accident,the old woman __________ her face in her hands and cried.

A.bent              B.sheltered

C.buried                D.trapped

解析:选C。bury one’s face in one’s hands双手掩面。

3.(2011年新乡调研)—We __________ hope you will get a nice result on the National Games.

—Thank you very much.

A.rapidly               B.properly

C.gradually         D.sincerely

解析:选D。We sincerely hope that...我们真诚地希望……。

4.A party was held __________ the heroes who had helped save thousands and thousands of lives in the big earthquake.

A.in time of            B.in honour of

C.in danger of          D.in place of

解析:选B。句意:为了纪念在大地震中为帮助挽救数以千计的人的生命而牺牲的英雄举办了这次晚会。in honour of“为了纪念……”,符合语境。

5.You must learn how to communicate with others.Learning to __________ yourself well is an important part of education.

A.express               B.find

C.introduce         D.recognize


6.Nowadays,people usually think if you enter a key university,you are your parents’__________.

A.pride             B.luck

C.value             D.cheer


7.(2010年高考山东卷)Those who suffer from headache will find they get __________ from this medicine.

A.relief                B.safety

C.defense               D.shelter

解析:选A。考查名词词义辨析。句意:那些头痛的人会发现这种药物能使头痛缓解。所以A符合句意,relief表示“缓解,减轻,解除”。 safety表示“安全,保险”;defense表示“防御,防护”; shelter表示“掩蔽,保护”。

8.His sudden __________ of violent anger put an unpleasant end to the meeting.

A.break             B.burst

C.attack                D.express


9.Nowadays,people usually think if you enter a key university,you are your parents’________________.

A.pride             B.luck

C.value             D.cheer


10.She was a very good wife,a very careful mother,looked after her children unceasingly,was __________ attached to her husband.

A.extremely         B.fluently

C.officially            D.sincerely



1.After ________________(致力于)in the research for so many years,the scientist succeeded in finding the result at last.(bury)

答案:having been buried

2.I am sorry that I can not meet you at the airport.I ________________(将离开武汉)by the time you come back from abroad.(leave)

解析:考查动词时态。由by the time you come可知,本句是将来完成时。

答案:will have left Wuhan

3.They would send up another satellite,______________(据上周报道),with the help of the foreign company.(report)


答案:as was reported last week

4.It rained for two weeks on end,completely ______________(毁了我们的假期).(ruin)

解析:考查分词作状语。It和ruin之间是主动关系,故用现在分词。本句中ruining our holiday用作结果状语。

答案:ruining our holiday

5.Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it ______________(发生在昨天).(happen)

解析:考查as if引导的虚拟语气。本句是对现在情况的虚拟,故从句用过去式。

答案:happened yesterday

6.I think ________________(任何做出更大贡献的人)to the company than the others should get the highest income.(whoever)


答案:whoever makes greater contributions

7.The city ________________(我成长的)is very hot and damp in summer.(grow)

解析:考查定语从句。本句中从句缺少状语,先行词又是表地点的词,故用in which或where。

答案:where/in which I grew up

8.Then later that afternoon,another big quake which was ________________(几乎一样强烈的)as the first one shook Tangshan.(as)

解析:考查比较结构。由比较结构的构成“as +形容词/副词+ as”可知答案。almost表示比较的程度。

答案:almost as strong

9.I enjoyed very much the three years __________(我花费的)to study English at school.(take)


答案:(that/which)it had taken me

10.She is rather difficult to make friends with,but her friendship,________________(一旦获得)is more true than any other.(gain)

解析:考查状语从句。gain与her friendship之间是被动关系,故用过去分词;本句中主、从句主语都是her friendship,因此可以省略it is。

答案:once (it is) gained


Words:325 难度系数:☆☆建议用时:12′

(2010年辽宁抚顺高三质量监测)We always want what we cannot have.When we’re young,we want to stay out late,have romantic relationships,and be __1__.However,when we’re __2__,we want to go back to being young and we __3__ the days when we didn’t have to worry about complex love affairs,__4__ pressure,and money problems.

Young people believe adulthood __5__ freedom from parents and schoolwork.When they get older,they feel that __6__ is freedom from work pressure and family responsibilities.To __7__ this feeling,people say,“The grass is always __8__ on the other side.”

As __9__,we like to be adults,but as young adults,we __10__ to be young again.We think about staying out late,__11__ our own money to spend.Suddenly,they see that love can result in __12__ hearts;staying out late makes it hard to get ready for __13__ the next morning.They find out that adult life is not as __14__ as they thought it would be and suddenly,__15__ becomes very scary.

Life is __16__.It gives us time to __17__ but also requires us to work.The time will come when we must grow up and we will always look back wishing we __18__ being young a bit longer.That time will not come back.It is normal to want what we cannot have but the __19__ is that to be happy is to appreciate what we have.That is the first step to growing up.__20__ life becomes more complex we will not regret the time we wasted wishing we were adults.

1.A.comfortable       B.dependent

C.independent            D.polite


2.A.older                  B.defeated

C.married                D.confident

解析:选A。和“we want to go back to being young...”相对应的应该是older。however也是提示。

3.A.like                   B.forget

C.regret             D.miss


4.A.study                  B.job

C.age                D.health


5.A.creates             B.shows

C.means              D.limits


6.A.childhood              B.adulthood

C.parenthood         D.romanticism


7.A.reduce              B.describe

C.experience         D.understand


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