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1.The salesman ________(说服)us to buy his product.

2.She is a ________(毕业生)student in literature.

3.They________(终于)realized that the whole thing was a joke.

4.They have planned a tight________(日程表)of travel.

5.He has the ability to________(组织).

6.The workers are ________(决定) to finish the job on time.

7.It is one day's________(旅程) to get to the seaside.

8.There were perhaps ten________(一步) between me and the bear.


1.persuaded 译文:那个推销员说服了我们买他的产品。

2.graduate 译文:她是个念文学的研究生。

3.finally 译文:他们终于意识到整个事情是场玩笑。

4.schedule 译文:他们安排了一个紧凑的旅行日程。

5.organize 译文:他很有组织才能。

6.determined 译文:工人们决心按时完成这项工作。

7.journey 译文:到海滨是一天的行程。

8.paces 译文:在我和熊之间相距大约有十步。


1.Many people living in cities would actually ____________(更喜欢) live in the countryside.(prefer)

2.In school, we always arrange all kinds of activities ________ ________(按时间表).(schedule)

3.________ ________ ________(决心培养)his daughter in English, he spent much money employing English teachers.(determine)

4.Many young girls ________ ________ ________(梦想成为)astronauts like Liu Yang.(dream)

5.Who will ________ ________(照顾) the children if their parents are away?(care)

6.He has ________ ________ ________ ________(下定决心) to go abroad for further educatioin.(mind)

7.Finally, she had to ________ ________ ________(屈服于)my new views.(give)

8.She ________ ________ ________(喜欢,喜爱)telling other people what to do.(food)


1.prefer to 2.on schedule 3.Determined to train 4.dream about/of becoming 5.care for 6.made up his mind 7.give in to  8.is fond of


1.(2013•浙江,10)During the last three decades, the number of people participating in physical fitness programs  ________ sharply.

A.was increasing  B.has increased

C.had increased     D.will be increasing

答案:B 本题考查虚动词时态。句意:在过去的三十年里,参加健身项目的人数急剧增加。由时间状语during the last three decades 可知,本句要用现在完成时态,所以正确答案为B。

2.—Have you________your father to give up smoking?

—No. I talked to him yesterday, but it did not work.

A.persuaded B.advised

C.suggested  D.promised

答案:A 句意:——你说服你父亲戒烟了吗?——没有。昨天我和他说了,但没起作用。persuade“说服”。

3.Ever since he caught the H1N1, Peter________so much pain that he is coughing day and night.

A.suffered from B.has suffered from

C.suffers from D.were suffering from

答案:B 考查时态。句意:自从感染甲流,彼得痛得日夜不停地呻吟。ever since引导的时间状语从句要求主句用现在完成时。

4.I am fond of Gloria's attitude________life; she has never complained about anything.

A.towards B.of

C.in  D.at

答案:A 句意:我欣赏Gloria对待生活的态度,她从不抱怨。attitude to/towards...“对……的态度”。

5.Earth Day is a reminder that we need to________the world we live in and that we should learn to respect life and nature.

A.care for B.think about

C.care about    D.think for

答案:C 句意:地球日提醒我们善待我们所居住的地球,尊敬生命和大自然。care about“关心,惦念”。

6.—What's the girl like?

—She was a brave girl. She fought bravely and her enemy had to________her at last.

A.give up B.give up to

C.give in  D.give in to

答案:D 答语句意:她是一名勇敢的孩子。她和敌人勇敢搏斗,最终,敌人向她投降了。give in to sb.“向……屈服,投降”。

7.(2014•山东省长山中学高一月考)—Would you like some coffee?

—Yes, and please get me some milk, too.I prefer coffee________milk.

A.to B.than

C.with D.of

答案:C 句意:——来点咖啡?——好的,请也拿点牛奶来。我更喜欢加奶的咖啡。由句意知,选with;该题易思维定势误选to,其意是“我喜欢咖啡胜过牛奶”。

8.(2014•浙江温州十校联合体高一期中)You can get to Hong Kong using different kinds of________, by air, by water, or by land.

A.travel   B.transport

C.schedule  D.journal

答案:B 句意:要到香港,你可以采用不同的交通方式,坐飞机,走水路或者从陆路都行。transport“运输,运送”;travel“旅行”;schedule“时间表,进度表”;journal“旅行”。

9.(2014•浙江温州十校联合体高一期中)I prefer studying English at home________the match.

A.to watching B.to watch

C.than watching  D.rather than watch

答案:A 句意:我喜欢在家学英语,不喜欢去看比赛。prefer doing...to doing...“喜欢……甚于……”。

10.(2014•敦化市高一期中)________you began, you must do the work well or don't do it at all.

A.As soon as B.Until

C.Once  D.While

答案:C 句意:一旦开始,你就必须把工作做好,否则就别做。once“一旦”引导条件状语从句。

11.(2014•东北四校联考高一期中)Mary left him,________never________foot in his home again.

A.determined; to set B.determined;place

C.determining;to set  D.determining;place

答案:A 句意:玛丽离开了他,决定再也不踏进他家一步。determined“坚定的,有决心的”;be determined to do sth.“决定做某事”。


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