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1Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea,which ______ the Pacific,and we met no storms.

A.was called       B.is called

C.had better called  D.has been called

解析:the Pacific与call之间是被动关系。故选B项。


2______ he didn't help me with my work.Instead,just ______.

A.In a way;in my way

B.On a way;on the way

C.In the way;on the way

D.By the way;on my way

解析:in a way“在某种程度上”;in one's way“挡道;挡路”均为固定搭配。


3The board are discussing the possible ______ they can take of the present economic situation.

A.notice  B.advantage

C.use    D.best

解析:本题考查take advantage of短语的用法。该结构中advantage提至前面充当discuss的宾语,advantage后为定语从句。


4—What a beautiful day!

—Yes,it's ______ that I'd like to take a walk.

A.such nice weather   B.so a nice weather

C.such a nice weather  D.so nice weather



5Milu deer,a species with large horns,which used to be ______ in China long ago,is a rare animal nowadays.

A.ordinary  B.common

C.popular   D.usual

解析:common强调平凡或时常发生而不特别。ordinary是依照一般标准来判断,侧重“平淡无奇”;popular“流行的”;usual “通常、正常”。


6It was generally believed that the show was not as successful as expected,but ______,I think it was a great success.

A.personally  B.directly

C.publicly    D.secretly



7—I have been worried about the possible danger of driving on a railway line.

—Do not be afraid;God will ______ us.

A.turn over  B.watch over

C.go over   D.look over

解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。watch over“照看,看守”,符合题意。


8Once new difficulties ______ in our new job,we should learn to use our brains to solve them.

A.rise   B.cause  C.raise   D.arise

解析:题意:一旦在我们新工作中出现新的问题,我们应当开动脑筋想办法解决。arise“出现”为不及物动词,相当于come up。


9The problem facing us is so serious that we have to ______ it first.

A.take interest  B.deal with

C.make with   D.work on

解析:deal with此处相当于do with,意为“处理”。


10The woman moved about outside the operation room,because her son ______ on.

A.was being operated  B.is operated

C.had been operated   D.was operated




1我度假时,你能帮我看管一下我的狗吗?(watch over)


答案:Would you please watch over my dog while I am on holiday?

2我们必须把耽误的时间补回来。(make up)


答案:We have to make up for the lost time.

3他是一个能恰当处理各种局面的人。(deal with)


答案:He is a person who can deal properly with all situations.

4我不知道你为什么这么关注,这毕竟不是你的问题。(after all)


答案:I don't know why you're so concerned;it isn't your problem after all.



答案:From now on,you can work on your own.


Computers are everywhere.Nearly everything we do in the modern world is helped,and even __1__ by computers.Computers are being used more and more __2__ in the world today,for the simple __3__ that they are far more efficient than human beings.They have much better memories and can __4__ huge amount of information.In fact,computers can do many of the things we do,but faster and better.They can pay wages,__5__ seats on planes,control machines in factories,__6__ tomorrow's weather,and even play chess,write poetry or compose music.__7__,computers have got into every aspect of our life and work.

In modern banking,we __8__ wide use of computers.When people call in at the bank to find out the __9__ of their account,the clerk __10__ shows them a big book with handwritten entries.__11__ he goes and gets a print­out from the computer which records all the details of cash or __12__ paid into or drawn out of customers' accounts.If you have a __13__ card from a bank,you can __14__ money directly from a computer controlled by the bank computer without going to the bank.

Computers are used a lot in __15__ nowadays.They can make patients' appointments and keep patients' __16__.Just dial the computer and you can get information on a patient.Computers do not suffer from __17__ of sleep,so they do not miss important points,and because they never __18__ anything they've been told,they are often better at working out what is wrong with a patient.Some people even think we should all have __19__ computer checks on our health and then we would be able to cure most diseases in the early __20__.

1A.composed  B.controlled

C.seized     D.provided



2A.magically    B.knowledgeably

C.extensively  D.entertainingly



3A.way          B.reason

C.consequence  D.manner



4A.store  B.introduce  C.uncover D.conceal

解析:store information“储存信息”,符合上下文意思。


5A.take       B.occupy

C.preserve  D.reserve



6A.look out    B.hold out

C.make out  D.work out


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