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42. It is implied in the third paragraph that ______.

A. Nick owes his success to his family and friends

B. Nick can come to speak with the help of his family

C. Nick needs support from his family and friends

D. Nick is glad that his friends believe what he says

43. In the opinion of Nick, bullies are those who ______.

A. know what they should do

B. aren’t confident about themselves

C. give orders to others in a rude way

D. have a strong sense of safety

44. To fight against bullying, Nick advised kids to ______.

A. try killing themselves one day

B. make more friends for help

C. find their own personal truth

D. scare bullies by turning to parents

45. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Nick sets a good example to students.

B. Nick is brave enough to fight against bullies.

C. Nick turns from a bully to a speaker.

D. Nick has his advice for dealing with bullying.


Bob Holmes’s volleyball career began when he visited his doctor because of back pain. His doctor told him that he needed to exercise more, so Bob took up volleyball. He hadn’t played the sport in high school or college but took an immediate liking to the game.

Several years ago, Bob was considered as the athlete who has played the most games in any sport. He’s played some 17,000 games of volley-ball in over 5,500 gymnasiums. And he’s a one-man team.

In match-ups against athletes from other sports, he’s beaten 6-man teams. As if playing against 6 players isn’t hard enough, he’ll sometimes take on 100 people at a time, and beat them.

“My most memorable game was against the Baltimore Orioles,” said Holmes. “A lot of their players play a lot of volleyball, and so they were really good. We were tied 24 – 24 in the final game before I won by 2 points.”

Encouraged by his job to rescue lives by trying to put an end to suicide (自杀), Bob began putting on one-man vs. entire team volleyball exhibitions as a way of generating interest for his message. A typical exhibition for him is at a high school assembly where he’ll play 3 games: one against a team of students, one against teachers and one against a combined teacher/student team. The games take about 45 minutes to an hour to play and in his remaining time, Bob spreads his message about the importance of standing up for yourself and making good decisions.

Recalling a letter he received from a boy who felt depressed about himself but changed his mind after hearing his words, Holmes knows that the volleyball games are just the attention getter (广告妙语) for a more important message. Holmes said, “I just wanted to rescue lives and that is what encouraged me to play so many games.”

46. The first paragraph tells us that ______.

A. Bob didn’t get much exercise before

B. Bob was interested in playing volleyball

C. Bob felt back pain after playing volleyball

D. Bob took his doctor’s advice to play volleyball

47. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that ______.

A. Bob had a strong interest in any ball game

B. Bob played against others in volleyball games alone

C. Bob played with about 17,000 volleyballs himself

D. Bob couldn’t find another player to organize a team

48. By playing 3 games at a school, Bob wanted to ______.

A. show his skills at playing volleyball

B. prove he was the best volleyball player

C. encourage kids to depend on themselves

D. teach students how to make good friends

49. To Bob, playing volleyball games is a way to ______.

A. make a living for himself

B. make good decisions

C. attract others’ attention

D. save the lives of young people

50. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. One man volleyball team beats entire ones

B. One man turns to volleyball for survival

C. One volleyball team has only a player

D. One man plays volleyball in 5,500 gyms




Do you want to get someone to trust you or trust you again? If yes, firstly, you must be sincere from the start. For this, don’t hold anything back that he or she should know,because this will affect your relationship. Act the same way alone as you do when in the presence of others. Do things out of the goodness (好意) of your heart and do not seek a reward or do things to acquire things from people. Don’t do it or say it, unless you believe it from your heart.

Secondly, you can tell a third party something nice about the person. When we praise or say something nice to someone, the person may feel we have a hidden purpose. So you can tell his or her friend or relative something great about him or her. When you don’t say it directly to your target person, and he or she gets to know your praise from someone else, it greatly increases your trustworthiness (可靠) in their eyes.

Thirdly, don’t overpromise (承诺过多). If you have already broken somebody’s trust, then you need to earn it back by keeping your word. Stop promising too many things just because you are eager to get someone to trust you again. Breaking another promise will only make things worse. So be honest and tell the other person exactly what is going on in your life and learn to say no sometimes.

Trust is not something you can get in a hurry. If you want to get someone to trust you or trust you again, you need to give that person time and space. Therefore, don’t be in their face all the time and don’t ask that person directly whether he or she trusts you or not. Let things fall into place in their own time. Being trusted can be easily achieved at first, but a person still needs time to process everything.

Now that you know how to get someone to trust you, I hope that you will put it to good use. Once trust has been gained, you must not do anything to damage it. Once you do, however, you will have to work twice as hard to earn it back again.

How to get someone to trust you

Paragraph outlines Supporting details

Keep (51) _______ from the start. ●Communicate honestly.

●Act the same way alone as you do when other people are (52)_______.

●Do good deeds without seeking to be (53)_______.

●Don’t say or do things that you (54)_______.

Say something nice about the person behind him or her. ●(55)_______ something nice about the person with his or her friend or relative.

●Don’t (56)_______ someone too much in his or her face.

Don’t overpromise. ●Never (57)_______ your promise.

●Tell him what’s happening in your life,and learn to (58)_______ sometimes.

Be (59) _______. ●Give the person time and space to trust you.

● (60)_______ asking the person directly whether he or she trusts you or not.



个人情况  1962年生于江苏盐城,三岁因病右腿残疾;


感人事迹  1992年资助3名孤儿上学;



注意:1. 对所给要点适当发挥,不简单翻译;

2. 词数150左右。参考词汇:孤儿 orphan  瘸的 lame


1-15     ACBBB      DACCB      ABDCD

16-35     ABBAC      DACDB      BCAAC    BDBDA

36-50     AABCD      DABCD      ABCDA

51. sincere  52. present  53. rewarded  54. doubt   55. Share   56. praise  57. break    58. refuse

59. patient  60. Avoid

One possible version:

It is generally thought that disabled people are those who need care and help from our society. But it is not always true, and some are exceptions to the rule. Though they are physically disabled, they are self-reliant and even do their best to help others. Wang Hanlu is a good example. He was born in 1962, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. An illness left his right leg lame at the age of three, but he never lost his hope for life.

Wang Hanlu helped many people in his life. In 1992, he began to support three orphans to finish their education. In 2006, he applied for donating his organs to Nanjing Red Cross upon his death. Shortly after the earthquake in Wenchuan happened in 2008, he went there alone and acted as a volunteer

It’s a pity that Wang Hanlu lost his life in a car accident in 2011. His life was short, but he really made a difference to our society. All of us should look up to him as a moral model.

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