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I lifted the pencil. It was time to copy down notes.

“No,” the pencil begged, “don’t dig your finger-nails (手指甲) into my wood. It hurts!”

“I’m sorry, pencil. I’ll try to be gentle. I promise. So just relax,” I said.

“How can I relax with you pressing me in my side?” The pencil moved from side to side in my fingertips.

“Please, just relax!” I struggled to take it with both hands, but just couldn’t. Oh, what a fuss we were making! The whole class was glancing (瞥一眼) over their shoulders to watch me.

“Shh, pencil!” I struggled with it as it tried hard to slip out of my finger. But I wouldn’t let go. “Just…just stop it!”

“I’ll never stay!” The pencil wailed (号哭) so loudly that every student turned their heads.

My cheeks burned bright red. “Um… sorry. I was j-just trying t-to t-to…” What could I say? My pencil was escaping my hands. I would never say that!

“Please, I just want to get out of this place! If you want, get another pencil. Just leave me alone!” the pencil said.

I would do anything to get rid of it. I let the pencil drop hard onto the desk.

“I’m free!” It screamed. Then it dropped onto the floor and rolled out of the classroom. I frowned at the door as I watched my pencil escape. Then I looked up.

“Uh-oh.” My face grew white. The whole class was looking at me with their eyes as big as saucers. And then I saw her—Mrs. Peppel!

She glared at me.

I tried to smile and said, “I’m sorry.”

Mrs. Peppel, without changing her expression, put the chalk down and went out of the room. After a minute or so, Mrs. Peppel returned, holding my pencil in her hand. She put the pencil on my desk and then asked me with a twinkle in her eyes, “We’re not going to have any more trouble, are we?”

“No, ma’am,” the pencil and I said shyly.

36. We can infer that the passage is a ______.

A. fable B. diary         C. humorous story D. joke

37. It can be inferred that ______.

A. the pencil had a desire for freedom

B. the writer was a clever student

C. the writer was playing with a pencil

D. the pencil didn’t write well

38. Why didn’t the writer want to tell others about the truth?

A. Because he feared to be blamed for making noise.

B. Because he was afraid of being laughed at.

C. Because he didn’t want others to help him.

D. Because he could deal with the pencil himself.

39. What did Mrs. Peppel do?

A. She punished the writer by making him stand all day.

B. She lent her own pencil to the writer.

C. She went out and picked up the pencil.

D. She refused to continue the lesson.

40. Which of the following words can best describe Mrs. Peppel?

A. Careless. B. Generous.         C. Strict.       D. Gentle.


Nick Vujicic was born without arms and legs. He overcame (克服) his disability and now he is a speaker. He speaks to millions of people, both in person and through his books. His latest book, Life Without Limits, has a powerful message of building a life of success and happiness.

Vujicic always has a smile on his face. But when he was a kid, he struggled with self-esteem (自尊心) problems. He wondered why he was different from other kids. His family and friends encouraged him and helped him overcome his problems.

“If it wasn’t for my family and friends, I would not have been here,” Vujicic said. “They were the ones who believed in me and loved me.”

Even so, Vujicic still had to deal with depression (抑郁) and loneliness. People laughed at him for being different.

Vujicic knows the harm bullying (恃强欺弱) can do. Bullying was the main reason why Vujicic tried to kill himself when he was ten by drowning himself in a river.

“A lot of people don’t understand that bullying is a major problem,” Vujicic said. “Many bullies hurt others,” he said, “because they have low self-esteem and are insecure. Like the people they bully, they don’t know who they’re supposed to be, either. The only thing that makes them feel like they have self-esteem is pushing other people around.”

“It’s very cowardly to make fun of others,” continued Vujicic. “It’s scary. It’s hard to stop.”

But it’s not impossible.

Facing bullying can be a difficult and scary thing. But Vujicic said that taking life one day at a time is the best path forward. It’s going to get better.

He won his battles by coming back to the truth of who he is. “I know that my value is not determined by what I look, what I can’t do, or how many friends I have,” he said. “I’m Nick Vujicic and there’s not another Nick Vujicic out there.”

41. It can be inferred that now Nick ______.

A. makes a speech on happiness

B. makes a living by writing

C. doesn’t know what his future life is

D. leads a positive life


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