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1. — Now, where is my notebook?

— ______! We’ll be late for the lecture.

A. Come on    B. Don’t worry  C. Take it easy  D. Take your time

2. At ______ present time, lower prices and great convenience are making shopping online ______ big attraction.

A. 不填; a     B. 不填; the    C. the; a       D. the; 不填

3. — There’s nothing serious with your son. He has just caught the flu.

— What ______!

A. a pity       B. a relief     C. a regret     D. a shame

4. Tom is a smart boy. He can ______ any opportunity that can help him succeed.

A. miss        B. grasp      C. ignore     D. analyze

5. The approach he took ______ the problem is contrary ______ our expectation.

A. for; to       B. to; to        C. to; on       D. for; on

6. ______ the Shanghai Disneyland will make money depends on how it will be promoted.

A. If          B. That        C. 不填         D. Whether

7. Henan highway police were reported ______ a new method, micro-blogs (微博), in their fight against crime.

A. to have employed          B. having employed

C. to have dismissed           D. having dismissed

8. — Glad to see you back! How long ______ you ______ in Britain?

— Two months. I’m off to France next week.

A. will; stay    B. had; stayed  C. did; stay      D. have; stayed

9. It makes many foreigners ______ why Chinese acupuncture (针灸) has magical power.

A. puzzle       B. puzzling    C. puzzled       D. being puzzled

10. As I penned the article, news came ______ Mr. Jobs, CEO of Apple, had passed away because of cancer.

A. if           B. that         C. 不填         D. whether

11. I think this policy to deal with traffic jams to be better than nothing ______ the effect is not so satisfactory.

A. even if      B. now that    C. in case        D. as long as

12. The fever to learn Chinese in the U.S. shows the importance that Americans ______ Chinese culture, and their desire for cooperation and exchange with China.

A. refer to      B. attach to    C. apply to       D. devote to

13. We believe ______ true that the world will be better if we insist on communication.

A. one        B. this         C. that          D. it

14. — I’m very tired. When on earth could we get to that city?

— Hang on! We’ll ______ arrive before dark.

A. finally      B. gradually    C. hopefully      D. generally

15. My daughter has been interested in music since she was a little girl. So ______ there was a chance, I would take her to concert halls and theatres.

A. whatever    B. wherever    C. however       D. whenever


It was July 4, 1986, three months after our baby, Jared, joined Jesus. My husband, Chris, and I were    16    for the ten-and-a-half months we shared with our son.

We decided to go to Laguna Beach, California, for the Independence Day Celebrations. After    17    the sparkles and rainbows of colors from the fireworks    18   , we walked arm in arm down Pacific Coast Highway. We    19    a gift shop window and decided to go in. I noticed a little T-shirt about the    20    of a man’s wallet, and on it was “World’s Greatest Son”.

It looked like it would    21    Jared’s little teddy bear that rested on our headboard. Jared would    22    his tiny teddy bear for    23    in the crook of his arm. Sometimes he’d grab at the pink nose, almost    24   .

After buying the    25   , we walked out onto the busy sidewalk and clung (紧挨) to each other, trying to    26    the void (空间) where our son used to be. I was feeling    27    like someone had attached a steel anchor (锚) to my chest.    28    we turned toward the street, I saw a silver heart-shaped balloon    29    in front of us. Chris grabbed at the ribbon (带子) dangling (摇摆)    30    the balloon but it twisted away just

out of his    31    as if it were teasing him. I grabbed Chris’s arm, pulling him back from the street, as he    32    to reach for the balloon. The balloon seemed to    33   for minutes just outside of his grasp, in the flow of traffic.

Then the balloon slowly turned its face towards us,    34    as it did so, we were able to read the message. Still    35    each other, we stared incredulously as we read the message out loud, “I Love Mom.”

As soon as the words were out of our mouths, the balloon began to rise silently into the heavens.

16. A. thankful      B. helpful      C. regretful       D. careful

17. A. making       B. watching    C. noticing        D. lighting

18. A. factory        B. display      C. trucks         D. places

19. A. looked into     B. looked out of C. took notice of   D. passed by

20. A. shape  B. color        C. size           D. style

21. A. cover  B. feed        C. clean         D. fit

22. A. hold   B. move        C. play        D. throw

23. A. days    B. weeks       C. hours       D. minutes

24. A. picking it up     B. carrying it away C. taking it out    D. pulling it off

25. A. toy   B. T-shirt     C. bear        D. fireworks

26. A. find   B. fill          C. spare       D. observe

27. A. light-hearted  B. warm-heated   C. heavy-hearted   D. kind-hearted

28. A. As     B. Although   C. Since          D. Unless

29. A. floating   B. rising       C. falling         D. appearing

30. A. over   B. by          C. beneath     D. in

31. A. control  B. reach        C. sense       D. sight

32. A. stopped        B. ran         C. forgot         D. continued

33. A. go up  B. hang         C. swing      D. move

34. A. but    B. so           C. or         D. and

35. A. holding onto   B. caring about  C. looking at      D. believing in


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