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90. The rising in oil prices has caused a series of economic problems.

91. Are you worried that the Shanghai dialect will die out someday in the future?

92. It is working hard and enjoying life that are the positive attitudes / is the positive attitude to life.

93. Only when he grew up did he really realize his father's love for him.

94. In many developed countries, bikes are only used for sports instead of a means of transportation.

95. Having one or two hobbies is valuable to a person's mental and physical health.

96. The report about that family on TV has caused the concern of the society about the weak group.

97. If only natural disasters like earthquakes could be forecast before they occur!

98. While parents are engaged in work all day, they shouldn't neglect their children's growth.

99. The smell which is given off from the furniture bought recently will cause cancer.

100. The real purpose of the English exams is to test whether the students have ability to use English.

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