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18. They decided to organize a performance to raise money for the children who could not afford to go to school.

19. I find it necessary to memorize some proverbs that have been passed on from generation to generation.

20. It is said that these types of cars (which are) on display sell well.

21. Compared with the other students in the class, he has a stronger sense of responsibility in work.

22. During the summer holidays /vacation, many of the students in / of our school volunteered to help the old people who lived alone.

23. When you are in a bad mood, you will be free from worry if you think of something nice.

24. Children should experience success and failure, and it is a kind of wealth for them.

25. Many young people keep spending money in pursuing the latest mobile phones.

26. A person who will give up when meeting with difficulties will never succeed.

27. Is it true that there will be not only a written test but also an oral test in the English mid-term examination?

28. When you take a plane for the first time, it is normal for you to feel uncomfortable while the plane is taking off or landing.

29. The police warn that we should not release any personal information to strangers.

30. It is illegal to use someone's image in commercial advertisements without permission.

31. Mary ceremonies were held to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.

32. In our daily life, we shouldn’t make friends with those who often fail to keep their promises.

33. The teacher encouraged us to find out as many ways as possible to work out this maths problem.

34. If you have an intention to study abroad, you should make preparations as early as you can.

35. It is difficult for a spoiled child to get along with the other children.

36. Everybody should be aware that you are losing something while you get something.

37. Twenty years ago, almost nobody expected that every family in Shanghai would have a house.

38. To tell you the truth, I don't believe in the private hospitals which claim to be able to cure any disease.

39. He is beginning to understand the truth that whatever suits you is the best.

40. She is forgetful and often needs the others to remind her of this or that.

41. We all know that every citizen's rights of life and health are protected by the law.

42. An old man in Tianjin has aided several hundred students from poor families by riding a tricycle in the past ten years.

43. I think we should owe the achievements made in China in the past twenty years to Comrade Deng Xiaoping.

44. The scientists have been trying to find some new resources of energy to replace oil.

45. He hesitated for several days before he made up his mind to buy that house.

46. I doubt whether the medicine for losing weight which has been advertised on TV is really effective.

47. Learning the news that Ba Jin died / passed away, many people were in deep sorrow.

48. Many warm-hearted people in the society lent a hand to the child who was seriously ill.

49. The reason why the river is badly polluted is that the chemical factory has poured a great deal of waste water into it.

50. With the rapid development of economy, China is playing a greater role in international affairs.

51. Although he hadn't recovered from his illness, he set out to work.

52. It is absolutely necessary to relax yourself after a period of hard work.

53. A teacher should make every effort to make his lessons lively and interesting.

54. All the patriotic Chinese hope that China will be reunited as soon as possible.

55. I think some leaders of the Japanese government mustn't do anything more to hurt the feelings of the Asian people.

56. Once the balance is lost in a person's body, he will get ill.

57. Everybody longs for success, but you can't expect success in a short time /an immediate success.

58. In the course of the economic development, we must pay attention to keeping the balance of nature.

59. Nowadays many children complain /are complaining that their parents know nothing about what they are thinking (about).

60. His noble deeds have moved thousands of residents of the city.

61. In western countries, it is quite common for a person to consult a psychologist if / when he has some psychological problems.

62. With the rapid increase in population, the lack of water resources becomes / is becoming a big problem.

63. The students from the countryside needn't feel inferior to those from big cities.

64. It is terribly cold today and you should put on more clothes in case you might catch cold.

65. We should try to advise these children to resist the temptation of playing video games.

66. The students are having a heated discussion about whether the more money you have, the happier you will be.

67. You'd better quote some proverbs properly in this composition.

68. Sitting in front of computers for a long time is the main cause of the decline of many young people's health.

69. While a citizen is enjoying his rights, he should perform his own duties.

70. To my relief, the child has come to know that he should correct the mistake whenever he finds it.

71. In his childhood, he developed a good habit of turning off the light when he left the room.

72. How sad it is that many youngsters don't go to work after graduation, but live on their parents.

73. Society should provide everybody with a fair opportunity in competition.

74. If we can't keep up with the advance of the times, we will fall behind.

75. Reading widely enables you to know what you are interested in.

76. Whether a theory is correct (or not) must be tested in practice.

77. Facing some new challenges, he is always full of confidence.

78. Whether you should pay tips or whether you can bargain abroad, you must do as the Romans do.

79. There is no doubt that everybody has a right to choose his own way of living / life.

80. More and more countries in the world are taking measures to attract more tourists from China.

81. My father intends to live in the countryside 100 kilometers from Shanghai when he retires.

82. I think it is a good way to improve my English by means of writing to the pen friends abroad.

83. It was hard to believe that the high school student said he loved nobody but himself.

84. The doctors suggest that children should not eat too much rubbish food like fried chicken.

85. That Shenzhou VI succeeded in returning / The successful return of Shenzhou VI to the earth indicates the great progress in the science and technology of our country.

86. Relatively speaking, young people tend to accept new things / something new.

87. Loving a child doesn't mean you should satisfy all his requirements.

88. Like many people in the world, thousands of Shanghainese are keen on Fl auto races.

89. There is little possibility that the scientists who pay too much attention to honor and money will be awarded the Nobel Prize.


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