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知识的学习,除了学习理论知识外,还要多练习,下面是威廉希尔app 准备的2015高一英语暑假作业答案,希望您喜欢。




1. concerned 2. ignored 3. entirely 4. purpose 5. recovered 6. grateful 7. suffering 8. vocabulary 9. voyage 10. accent 11. recognize 12. native 13. gradual 14. official 15. requested 16. identity 17. latter 18. frequent 19. persuading 20. schedule 21. shortcomings 22. organized 23. stubborn 24. journey 25. journal 26. graduating 27. determined 28. forecast 29. insurance 30. transport 31. disadvantages 32. reliable 33. view 34. destroyed 35. electricity 36. Disasters 37. extreme 38. survivors 39. injured 40. ruins 41. frightened 42. generous 43. quality 44. principles 45. guidance 46. congratulations 47. opposite 48. regular 49. cruelty 50. competition



1. went through 2. gave in 3. Believe it or not 4. make full use of 5. As usual 6. on purpose 7. were tired from 8. made up our mind 9. join; in 10. was getting along with


1. gave out 2. turn to 3. was sentenced to 4. as a matter of fact 5. is based on 6. A great number of 7. lose heart 8. persuaded; to 9. calm down 10. dreams of/about


1. You should have got the television fixed yesterday.

2. It was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face.

3. He was late that morning. It was because he had missed the first bus.

4. It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as well as a native English speaker.

5. Only when his father came back did he go to bed.

6. He had rushed out of the classroom before I could stop him.

7. It has been five years since this party came to power.

8. It seems as if we were going to have another heavy snow.

9. I happened to be out that day./ It happened that I was out that day.

10. The reason why he didn’t attend the meeting was that he had a high fever.


I. 1. who/ that 2. whose 3.that 4. who/that/whom 5. who/ that 6.which/ that 7. where 8. that/ which 9. why

10. whose 11.that/ which 12.where 13. that/ which 14. when 15. that 16. as17. as 18. that 19.when 20.which

II.1. from which 2. to whom 3. on which 4. with whom 5. on which 6. of whom 7. with which

8. of which 9. of whom 10. of which 11. for whom 12. from which 13. in which 14. at which

15. without which

III. 1. who is helping me 2. that you lent me 3. that I received yesterday

4. which he is writing with 5. who live far away from the school 6. as you lent me yesterday 7. who are always ready to help others 8. whose cover is very beautiful 9. that I have ever seen 10. where there are many short stories




1、The father thought if he had told a lie to the fellow he would have saved money ,but maybe his two sons would learn from him and tell lies.

2、The father was honest and he was also responsible for his children.


二、写作:Some students agree to the point that parents are the best teachers, because they think parents can help to point out their mistakes in their lives. They teach them a lot about how to lead a meaningful life. What’s more, they teach them how to love others. So parents are their most important teachers.

However, not all the students hold the same opinion. Some think their parents give them too much love, and they are eager to pass on their own values and interests to them. Moreover, their parents sometimes expect too much of them, which makes them feel their goals too difficult to reach.

In my opinion, parents are our important teachers. But Parents should try to understand their children more and limit the generation gap.



1. Because big stations couldn't risk hiring an inexperienced person

2. Because MacArthur learned that he knew something about sports

3.如果你坚持不懈, 总有一天事情会好起来的。如果没有当初的失望,你就不会有今天的成功。


My favourite teacher

I'd like to talk something about my teacher. I like my computer teacher Mr. Long best. Mr. Long is tall and strong. He has black hair. There is a pair of glasses on his bright eyes. He has two big feet and he always wears sports shoes.

Mr. Long's hobby is taking photos. He often shows us his photos about scenes, animals and persons; He is always good at catching the most wonderful moments. He is kind and easy-going. A t his lessons, we often surf the internet and play computer games. We often see beautiful pictures and read interesting stories online. We are excited in the computer class. We have a computer lesson every week. We hope we have more.

Last month, we had a spring sports meeting, We were all excited, especially when we saw the teachers' running race. We were looking forward to its coming, because Mr. Long was in the race. He was the last runner. At that time, the first runner was far behind. When he began to run, his team was catching up fast. We were all pleased with their performance. To our surprise, Mr. Long was running with all his strength and he passed several runners, one, two, and three.... Finally, he won the first. We were so excited that we couldn't say any words but shouting and laughing. Everyone knew it was Mr. Long that made the great success.

“Hooray! Mr. Long, you are so great.” I'll learn from you in the future.


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