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II. 单项选择(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)

21. ______ technology behind RealCine is virtual reality which can be ______ good treatment for people who have social problems.

A. The; the B. The; a C. A; a D. A; the

22. Though a new analysis suggests lightning and volcanoes helped make life possible, the _____of life remains a mystery.

A. origin B. intelligence C. power D. movement

23. A gunman, who was later found dead, walked into an Oregon high school with a rifle and shot a(n) _____ student to death on Tuesday .

A. bitter B. confident C. unusual D. innocent

24. In 2014 World Cup, Spain was considered superior to Holland, but ______ Holland defeated Spain by a score of 5 to 1 on June 14.

A. last but not least B. to be honest C. in reality D. on the other hand

25. While shopping, people sometimes can’t help _____ into buying something they don’t really need.

A. be persuaded B. being persuaded C. to persuade D. persuading

26. Some terrorists are reported _____ a historical building in Southeast Pakistan last Friday.

A. have blown up B. to blow up C. to have blown up D. blowing up

27. Not only _____ to stay in from the rain, but he was also invited to have dinner with the host.

A. did the stranger allow B. was the stranger allowed

C. allowed the stranger D. the stranger was allowed

28. My enthusiasm for Chinese football team _____ because of their countless failures.

A. faded B. reduced C. grew D. lost

29. It was a pity that the five-time defending champion(卫冕冠军) China _____ have been defeated in 2014 Thomas Cup badminton semi-final.

A. would B. might C. should D. must

30. _____ knowing the real fact, the manager was very angry with his secretary.

A. In B. Upon C. With D. Beyond

31. I think we should _____ all these old toys to the local children hospital.

A. give out B. give in C. give up D. give away

32. This is Tony’s photo. We miss him very much. He _____ trying to save a girl in the earthquake.

A. is killed B. was killed C. has been killed D. had been killed

33. A horrible thought suddenly occurred to him _____ the plane might have been hijacked(劫持).

A. what B. / C. that D. whether


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