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11. Who is Tom looking for ?

A. Kate. B. Jane. C. Mary.

12. Why does Tom come into the room ?

A. He works there.

B. He wants to talk to Kate.

C. He wants to have a letter typed.

13. Where is Jane at that time ?

A. She’s taking a rest.

B. She’s studying for an exam.

C. She’s taking an exam.

14. What is Kate going to do next year ?

A. Go to Japan. B. Change her job. C. Go to a night school.


15. Why do they have a big party tonight ?

A. To celebrate their parents’ birthday.

B. To celebrate their children’s birthday.

C. To celebrate their parents’ wedding anniversary.

16. What gift do the children want to send their parents?

A. Travelling. B. Some books. C. A birthday cake.

17. What does the boy think of his sister ?

A. Super. B. Thoughtful. C. Wonderful.


18. Which city has the lowest temperature?

A. Miami. B. Houston. C. New York City.

19. What’s the weather like in Oklahoma City ?

A. It’s a windy day. B. It’s a cloudy day. C. It’s a rain day.

20.Which city does the weather reporter first start with ?

A. San Diego. B. Oklahoma City. C. Seattle.


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