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65. Which park cannot be visited by tourists now?

A. Napoleon Theme Pare. B. Dracula’s Land.

C. Tiger Balm Gardens. D. Republic of Children.


Our bodies communicate what we feel loudly and clearly. Here are some tips for reading body language so that you can understand what is not being expressed by words. All of these tips are based on American interpretations (解释), so not all the body language here means the same in different cultures.

A Cold Shoulder Is Really Cold

I was meeting a friend and her husband. We were discussing our business. When the husband brought up an annoying topic that my friend didn’t want to discuss, she unknowingly turned her shoulder away from her husband. She didn’t notice what she had done, but he got the message and changed the topic.

An Eye for an Eye

In the US, we expect people to look us in the eyes when they are talking to us. In a crowded elevator or on the street, someone that makes eye contact with you wants to start a conversation with you. If you are talking and don' t want to be interrupted (打断), look away at the end of a sentence. Eye movements help you control a conversation. On the other hand, if you want to talk and the speaker doesn' t give you the chance, stare at him and fix your eyes on him for a while. He will stop talking and let you speak.

You' ve Got to Hand It to Them

Prince Charles often stands with his hands held together behind his back. This posture expresses a sense of superiority (优越), confidence and power. When the hands are held together in front of one' s body, the posture means a need for protection or help.

66. If a man makes eye contact with you in an elevator, it shows that he 。

A. would like to talk to you B. is likely to control the conversation

C. feels that you are dangerous D. is hoping to stop you talking

67. Who would most probably hold his hands together in front of his body according to the passage?

A. A confident prince. B. An armed soldier C. A missing child. D. An old artist.

威廉希尔app 高中频道为大家整理了2014年南昌三中高中高一英语暑假作业练习


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