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四 阅读理解 (共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)


After a day's work, it is always good to go to a theme park for entertainment and have a good time. The list below contains some of the weirdest (怪异的) theme parks in the world.

Tiger Balm Gardens—Singapore

It is the most appropriate vacation spot for both friends and family to go and hang out. The park was built by two brothers in 1937. And when you take a ride, it is evident you are going to experience the worst nightmare in your lifetime. The park contains the weirdest statues you can ever see.

Republic of Children —Mannel B. Gonnet, Argentina

It is a dream of every child to go to a park during the holidays to have some fun; as well as having things like cotton candy, have a ride, and so on. But this theme park goes against this, since it does not have any exciting activities. The reason for this is that the designers of the Republic of Chilean wanted it to teach children about ethics(道德标准).

Dracula' s Land—Transylvania, Romania

This is not necessarily a park as much as a place that has been turned into one big tourist attraction. People used to live m some parts of Dracula' s Land and there are some homes that still have families living in them. The local people in Dracula's Land have embraced(欣然接受) their culture and their traditional houses, which attract visitors from all over the world.

Napoleon Theme Park—South of Paris, France

Are you fond of Napoleon Bonaparte stories? Well if you are, then a visit to a French theme park is a must for you. The park will hopefully be opened in 2017. The museum and historic representation of some of his battles will be the highlight here. It will also have rides in which tourists will pass through the frozen dead soldiers. It will certainly be a must-see for the whole family.

61. What can we learn about Tiger Balm Gardens?

A. It was painted by two brothers.

B. It is not suitable for children.

C. You can see some frightening statues in it

D. You can sleep and dream about some strange things here.

62. Children can you take part in activities about ethics in

A. Napoleon Theme Park B. Dracula's Land

C. Tiger Balm Gardens D. Republic of Children

63. What can see in the Napoleon Theme Park?

A. The local residents. B. The frozen dead soldiers..

C. The traditional houses. D. Napoleon Bonaparte stories.

64. What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To advise parents to go out with their children.

B. To encourage people to visit the above parks.

C. To offer a guided tour service to tourists.

D. To discuss the differences between different parks worldwide.


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