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高一英语必修1暑假作业 Unit 5 Section Ⅱ精品测试题



答案:解析:选D。细节判断题。根据第四段中的Everybody he re seemed to be withdrawn and I missed everything I had in Cincinnati.可知,作者此时十分想念在辛辛那提的朋友。

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A.University life in Germany

B.My culture shock experience

C.Advantages of living in USA

D.How to be an au pair in USA

解析:选B。标题归纳题。通读全文,可知本文主要讲述的是一个德国女孩在美国的辛辛那提市做家庭打工留学生后回到德国所经历的文化冲击,再结合最后一段提到这种culture shock,因此B项最合适。


Dear Peter,

I’m writing to ask whether you are able to do me a favor. I want

to have a pen friend, hopefully a girl in her    (二十多岁),1.

and with hobbies s    to mine. In my mind, she is someone2.

is interested in travelling, swimming, and playing3.

table tennis. B    , it would be better for her to have a4.

pet dog as the    I have kept at home for some5.

time. With such a pen friend, I think I can    (分享) 6.

with her our travelling experiences,    care of pets,7.

or whatever we have in c    . And I believe I will8.

(提高) my English by doing so and learn more about9.

her. I am looking forward to hearing    you soon.10.

Best regards,

Li Hua

答案:1.twenties 2.similar 3.who 4.Besides 5.one 6.share 7.taking 8.common 9.improve 10.from

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