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高一英语必修1暑假作业 Unit 5 Section Ⅱ精品测试题



When I came to Cincinnati as an au pair(家庭打工留学生),a lot of things there were different from what I knew.My host family lived in a huge house I could only describe as a “castle”.In G ermany I had lived in a small apartment together with my mom.Soon I found out that the “castle”was actually rather small in our neighborhood.

Everybody there was very friendly and polite.They greeted you when they were walking by at least 3 feet aw ay from you.They must not have seen a German au pair before,for most people I met asked me all kinds of questions about Germany.I enjoyed answering their various strange questions.I made a lot of friends and I started to hang out with them.

Of course,there were a number of new things,and it took me the whole year to find them all out.I never got homesick.Perhaps it was because I did not have too many negative (负面的)experiences and felt loved and welcomed there.

However,I had undergone some painful experience back in Germany.I was frustrated by the way people would run me over and not even say “So rry.” Taking up my studies at the TU?Dresden I felt lonely.Everybody here seemed to be withdrawn(离群的)and I missed everything I had in Cincinnati.Germany was so“cold”.I found it so much harder to make new friends.After six months I got a roommate and only two good friends.I also flew back to Cincinnati several times for long periods.I felt that without those visits I was not able to make it.

Now I am over this German culture shock.It almost took me an entire year.I am still going back and forward between Dresden and Cincinnati four times a year.

【解题导语】 本文主要讲述了一个德国女孩在美国辛辛那提市做家庭打工留学生的经历以及这种经历对她以后的生活产生的影响。

1.When the author lived in Cincinnati,    .

A.she lived in a real castle

B.some people were not very kind to her

C.many people were curious about her motherland

D.she lived in the biggest house in the neighborhood

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的They must not have seen a German au pair before,for most people I met asked me all kinds of questions about Ge rmany.可知,作者在美国时经常被问到关于她的国家德国的情况,所以C项正确。

2.In the opinion of the author,life in Cincinnati was    .

A.wonderful B.hard

C.painful D.strange

解析:选A。推理判断题。从文中第二段中的friendly,polite,enjoyed等词及第三段中的never got homesick等可推测,作者在Cincinnati的生活是很愉快的。

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the author?

A.She lived with her mother in a big house in Germany.

B.She never went back to Cincinnati after she came back to Germany.

C.She seldom hung out with her American friends as she was too busy.

D.She did miss her friends in Cincinnati when she was at the TU?Dresden.


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