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33.It is the fifth time that the students in Trinity College     our school.

A.have visited B.visited

C.were visiting D.had visited

解析:选A。It is the first(second/third...)time...that...是固定句型,意为“是第一(二/三……)次……”。该句型中that从句用现在完成时。

34.If we want to have a bright future,we must learn to act in ways    do not harm other living things.

A.in which B.that

C./ D.how


35.Nowadays,many parents from the countryside cannot afford to educate their children,because the school    are too high.

A.fares B.charges

C.fees D.bills


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Lena Horne was born in Brooklyn,New York in 1917.Her mother was away for much of her 36 .So her grandmother helped raise her.

At the age of sixteen,Lena 37 work as a dancer at the famous Cotton Club in New York City.After 38  voice lessons,she soon began performing there as a singer too.At the age of nineteen,Lena moved to Pittsburgh and  39 Louis Jones,who was an actor. 40 ,their life together did not last long.But they had two 41 ,Gail and Edwin.

In 1940,Lena Horne became the first African?American to travel and 42 with an all?white jazz band.She 43 made records and performed at New York City’s Café Society jazz club.This was the first nightclub in the United States 44 racial barriers (隔阂).Many jazz clubs during this period had 45  performers,but few allowed them to watch the 46 as part of the audience.

Lena Horne became very 47 .After performing at a club in Hollywood,California,she 48 filmmakers.So with the help of some filmmakers,she soon 49 making movies.Lena Horne said that she was able to make movies 50 she was the kind of black person that white people could accept.But she said this was the 51 kind of acceptance.It was because of the way she 52 ,not because of how good she was or how hard she worked.

However,through her hard work,she helped 53 racial barriers.During her sixty?year career as a performer,Lena Horne earned people’s 54 and respect.She used her fame to 55 social injustices(不公正)toward African?Americans.

【解题导语】 本文向我们介绍了黑人女歌手、电影演员Lena Horne。

36.A.dream B.performance

C.life D.childhood

解析:选D。根据So her grandmother helped raise her的语境,可知Lena Horne小的时候,她妈妈常不在她身边,故选D

37.A.disliked B.found

C.lost D.wanted

解析:选B。这里是指Lena Horne十六岁的时候找了份跳舞的工作。

38.A.taking B.giving

C.making D.designing

解析:选A。根据voice lessons以及后文的语境,可知这里是指Lena Horne上了一些发音练习的课,故选A。

39.A.saw B.changed

C.surprised D.married

解析:选D。根据后文他们生了孩子的语境,可知这里是指Lena Horne跟Louis Jones结婚了。

40.A.Excitingly B.Amazingly

C.Unfortunately D.Happily

解析:选C。根据their life together did not last long可知不幸的是,Lena Horne跟Louis Jones在一起生活的时间并没有持续多久,故选C。

41.A.relatives B.parents

C.friends D.children


42.A.perform B.play

C.stay D.communicate

解析:选A。根据后文语境,可知Lena Horne是跟着乐队去各地演出,故选A。

43.A.always B.hardly

C.never D.also

解析:选D。Lena Horne不仅跟着乐队演出,她还发表专辑,还在纽约市的Café Society爵士酒吧表演。

44.A.without B.on

C.for D.with

解析:选A。Lena Horne是个黑人女人,她能够在那家酒吧表演,说明那家酒吧没有种族隔阂。

45.A.yellow B.black

C.brown D.white


46.A.activities B.dances

C.shows D.people


47.A.popular B.hard?working

C.happy D.interesting

解析:选A。根据后文语境,可知Lena Horne很受欢迎。


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