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第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.—How about putting some pictures into the report?

—    A picture is worth a thousand words.

A.No way.       B.Why not?

C.All right. D.No matter.


22.Led by Lincoln,the American blacks fought bravely    their rights and managed to be    slavery.

A.with;free from B.for;against

C.for;free from D.against;for

解析:选C。fight against的意思是“同……作斗争”;fight for的意思是“为……而斗争”;fight with的意思是“和……打仗,和……并肩作战”。be free from的意思是“摆脱……的束缚”,从这些短语的意思可以看出答案为C。

23.The film brought the hours back to me    I was taken good care of in that faraway village.

A.until B.that

C.when D.where

解析:选C。when引导定语从句,修饰先行词the hours。

24.A special expert team has already been    to make close research on the wildlife and its protection.

A.built up B.picked up

C.set up D.taken up

解析:选C。build up“逐步建立;增进;增强”;pick up“捡起;拾起”;set up“建立;创立”;take up“开始从事;占据”。根据句意,C为正确答案。

25.Tom refused to tell Jack the right answers in the exam,because it’s against his    .

A.rules B.orders

C.principles D.laws

解析:选C。从Tom refused to...可知他不愿意做违背原则的事。be against one’s principles违背某人的原则,符合句意。

26.The traffic accidents this year in this city may    last year’s record of 385.

A.escape B.attack

C.equal D.found


27.Last Saturday,they arrived at the farm    they had never paid a visit before.

A.that B.which

C.to which D.for which

解析:选C。分析句子结构可知,空格后面是 定语从句修饰先行词farm;又根据词组pay a visit to(参观,访问)可知应选to which。

28.Lots of praise has come from those    prisoners’ relatives because the prisoners are getting better after hearing the lecture.

A.peaceful B.hopeful

C.active D.grateful

解析:选D。根据because the prisoners are getting better after hearing the lecture可知囚犯的亲属们都非常感激,故用grateful(感激的)。peaceful和平的;hopeful有希望的;active活跃的。

29.—Why do you put up these English cards on the wall?

—Only in this way    the English words.

A.I can remember B.can I remember

C.I remember D.remember I


30.Philip isn’t    at all;he always pays the bill when we eat in a restaurant.

A.generous B.unfair

C.selfish D.mean

解析:选D。根据he always pays the bill可知Philip不是一个吝啬的人,故选mean。generous慷慨的;unfair不公平的;selfish自私的。

31.Since this is the first time you have broken the law,you may be given a light    .

A.judge B.prison

C.sentence D.blame

解析:选C。句意为:因为这是你第一次犯法,你可能会得到轻判。a light sentence“轻判”。

32.—How clever Eliza is!

—Oh!She remembers every poem in the book    she wrote it.

A.in order that B.as if

C.even if D.so that

解析:选B。句意为:“Eliza真聪明!”“嗯!她记得书上的每首诗,就好像是她写的一样。”此处as if意思是“好像;仿佛”,后跟虚拟语气。


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