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2013年高一英语暑假作业:Part 3 小训练



2013年高一英语暑假作业:Part 3 小训练

【摘要】高中学生在学习中或多或少有一些困惑,威廉希尔app 的编辑为大家总结了2013年高一英语暑假作业:Part 3 小训练,各位考生可以参考。

Part 3: 小训练,大智慧!


1. All of us have been a________ that ads play an important role in our daily life.

2. They made a c______ that this type of digital camera was of high quality.

3. His lie was so touching that many of his friend f_____ for it.

4. This new kind of computers are so small and light that they are c _______to carry about.

5. His unique a__________ to the problem was thought highly of by the teacher.

6. Many young people like his songs, that is to say, his songs a__________ to young people.

7. He p________ me to go shopping and I bought a big pack of goods.

8. Your job is p________ the new product to make it known to consumers.

9. That hotel is famous for its fine s______. The waiters and waitresses are friendly and polite.

10. Some commercial ads don’t tell the truth, so be s_______ about them.

二. 完成句子

11. 他说服我放弃了中断试验的想法。

He _________ me to ______ ______the idea of dropping the experiment.

12. 她总是想着怎样才能为祖国多做些事情。

She always _______ ________ how to do more for the motherland.

13. Clare,让Harry玩一会儿你的玩具。你要学会和你的弟弟分享。

Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare---you must learn to _______ _______ your brother.

14. 如果要吸引顾客,你必须考虑使用何种方法。

If you want to ____________ __________, you must decide _______ ______________ you want to use.


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