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【摘要】复习的重点一是要掌握所有的知识点,二就是要大量的做题,威廉希尔app 的编辑就为各位考生带来了2013年高一英语暑假作业及答案

32. He also ____________ videotapes of his films in exchange for a modest $10.

33. If fame is a matter of __________ influential people, then Woodruff is certainly famous.

34. He describes himself as Hollywood’s best known _____________ actor.

35. It is true that he has been on television over 300 times and has worked in about 45 motion

pictures, ___________ as an extra.

36. Everything with Dennis has _________ selling himself.

37. He talks constantly about his life, his talent, his ________ abilities, his ambitions.

38. His _________ search for work in the film industry no longer has any realistic chance of

success, so now he acts out the ____ of an actor looking for work.

39. ‘__________!’ shouts the writing on his car.

40. You can watch him _____________ for parts in front of the security cameras at localrestaurants.

41. People recognize him and then, sadly, ________ him.

42. He has rugged, ____________ good looks, though he seems tired.

43. I want to show everyone how my life is like _____________ art.

44. One of the most _____________ he tells is about how he nearly made the big time.

45. The famous actor John Wayne was going to______________ , but unfortunately he died.

46. _____________ producer Otto Preminger wanted to make him a star.

47. He’s been living in a mobile home in East Hollywood for 30 years, and___________ , hemanages to earn a living.

48. True success, he feels, is just_______________.

49. He has ___________ a production company with his brother.

50. ________ the dog and whiskers the cat can feel angry, depressed…..


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