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高一英语暑假作业 unit 17




Unit 17

I. 词汇

1. By visiting schools, the actors hope to           children to put on their own productions.

A. influence        B. inform         C. inspect         D. inspire

2. ---What do you think of Jim?

---The ______ he makes on me is that he is very lazy.

A. attitude          B. opinion             C. idea                 D. impression

3. I dread to think what will ______ them if they lose their home.

A. become         B. happen              C. take place            D. become of

4.  — What do you think of John?

— He is ______ with money; he won’t give a cent to help the poor.

A. generous        B. smart                      C. mean           D. dishonest

5. He was ____ by the police with breaking the law.

A. threatened             B. charged           C. frightened           D. doubted

6. You’ll find this map of great _____ in helping you to get around London.

A. price                  B. cost                        C. value               D. useful

7. This magazine is very ______ with young people, who like its content and style.

A. familiar               B. popular                   C. similar            D. particular

8. We’d better get in all the wheat before noon; the weather report says a storm is just ________.

A. by the way          B. in the corner       C in the way            D. around the corner

9. Many revolutionaries devoted their lives to today’s happy life, so we should _____ it.

A. live                  B. like                C. value               D. remember

10. They publish large numbers of fairy tales every year. This year ______ they’ve published 20,000 copies.

A. only                   B. just                 C. alone               D. merely

11. It was dark, we decided to ______ for the night at the farmhouse.

A. build up              B. put up               C. set up              D. stay up

12. The hijackers threatened ________ one passenger every hour if their demands were not met.

A. killing              B. to kill              C. kill                D. killed

13. After the excitement of the audience ______, the speaker restarted his speech.

A. died off          B. died down                C. died away               D. died out

14. In the storm, the three of us took_____ under a big tree at the foot of the hill.

A. a cover              B. a shower                      C. shelter                   D. care

15. It has taken Joe a long time to come to _______ with the fact that he won’t be able to go to college.

A. agreements         B. admissions          C. terms          D. receptions

16. The soldiers covered the roof with earth and rock, thin enough to ________ themselves from gunfire.

A. shelter          B. charge          C. avoid            D. guide

17. Living in a world filled with stress and competition, people ought to have a(n) ________ attitude towards failures in life.

A. crazy            B. mild            C. negative        D. optimistic

18. A good teacher can create a positive _________ where students learn actively.

A. weather          B. climate          C. custom         D. season

19.He is busy writing a novel these days and writing _________ most of his time.

A. takes up         B. takes on         C. sets out          D. sets about

20. I thought things would get better, but _________ they are getting worse.

A. as it was         B. as it is          C. as it were         D. as they are


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