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第一部分  听力(共三节,满分30分)



1. What does the man want?

A. Some stamps.   B. A telephone number.    C. The location of the post office.

2. Where are the speakers?

A. In the open air.  B. In the bookshop.   C. In a restaurant.

3. Who can keep the students awake in class?

A. Mr. Jackson.   B. Mr. Butler.     C. Mr. Bucher.

4. What are the speakers talking about?

A.A physics exam.   B. An experiment.    C. A health exam.

5. Why did the man visit the woman?

A. To say sorry to her.   B. To borrow some milk  C. To help cook a meal.




6. Where is the woman working?

A. In a restaurant.     B. In a bookstore.  C. In a post office.

7. What do we know about the man?

A. He is quite lazy.     B. He can’t afford to play golf.

C. He is busy preparing for his examination.

8. What does the woman enjoy doing on weekends?

A. Watching TV.   B. Reading.       C. Working.


9. What is the man probably doing?

A. Buying a car.     B. Having his car repaired.  C. Renting a car.

10. What is he asked to do before he leaves?

A. Have a careful look at the car.

B. Pay for the small scratch (刮痕) he’s caused.

C. Write down his address on the form.

11. What surprised the man?

A. The small scratch.  B. The inside of the car.  C. The full tank(油箱) of gas.


12. Who is the man?

A. A history teacher.  B. A foreign student.   C. A worker.

13. Why does he like the apartment?

A. It’s very quiet.   B. It’s quite big.     C. It’s near where he works.

14. What will the woman do next?

A. Say goodbye to the man.               B. Clean the kitchen.

C. Get the man to sign an agreement.


15. What’s the conversation mainly about?

A. The hardships of raising children.        B. How to raise kids.

C. Being childless or not.

16. What’s the woman’s opinion?

A. She would prefer not to have children.      B. She wants to have a child immediately.

C. She would rather listen to her husband.

17. What does the man think of raising children?

A. A child may destroy a couple’s happiness.

B. A child can help keep a family together.

C. It takes a lot of time and energy.




18. Where did the woman live?

A. She lived in the countryside.

B. She lived in a small town.

C. She lived in the centre of the city.

19. Why was the lady behaving strangely?

A. Because she was afraid to meet the policeman.

B. Because she was afraid to cross the tramlines.

C. Because she was afraid to be in town by herself.

20. What can we learn from the story?

A. The lady had no knowledge of electricity.

B. The lady was too old to cross the street.

C. The lady shouldn’t go to town all alone.


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