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学习英语不只是为了增长自己的见识,还应为了增加自己的能力,威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高一必修1英语Unit2单元测试题,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。

一、单词拼写  根据句子意思及首写字母写出下列单词。(每小题2分,共36 分)

1. He looks handsome and gentle, but a______ __  _ he is a thief.

2.  Pronunciation and grammar is quite important in English learning. And so is v____________.

3.  “A____________ ” is often used in American English while “flat” is used in British English.

4. Judging from his a_____  __, he must be from Nanxiong.

5. Many s__________ have been built in Guangzhou. As a result, people can travel much faster than before.

6. Are you sure he is a n          here not a visitor ?

7. Though I haven’t met him for many years, I could r__________ him immediately when I saw him in the crowd.

8. His story is b         on his own experience .

9. .He didn’t stop in Hong Kong and flew s            to London .

10.The ship sailed and we set up on a long v             .

11.Of the two choices , I prefer the l           .

12.A flash of bright l            was followed by loud thunder .

13.The government will make an o             announcement in a day or two .

14. Our school has organized a lot of activities in order to e              our school life.

15.He g             knew this city with f______  _____  visits throughout the year.

16.The chairman r           that we should show our i          card when leaving here.

17.The general gave a  c_______  ___ that all soldiers should go to the front.

18.Mastering words and e____________ is a very important part in English learning.

二、将下列词组或短语翻译成英语  (每小题2分 , 共 26 分 )

1. 扮演角色;参与                  2.  因为,由于 __________________

3.  即使        ______________   4. 与某人交流  ___________________

5.以…为基础                        6. 现在,目前___________________

7. 走近,上来 __________________  8. 利用  _______________________

9. 大量的  _____________________ 10….的数目_______________________

11.信不信由你 __________________ 12.  玩得开心  __________________

13.在…尽头  __________________

三.用以上短语的恰当形式填空。(每个1分 ,共 13 分 )

1、              I had enough money ,I wouldn’t buy it .

2. He is a shy boy who can’t                         other people very well.

3. This song                         an old folk song .

4. We saw a big bear                      to us from the wood .

5.Now solar energy is widely                               .

6. They love traveling and                   they are on a tour in Europe .

7. They have decided to choose the latter one                    its color .

8. Young people               important                 the 2008 Olympic Game .

9.                             the street you will find the school .

10.                            ,John cheated in the exams .

11.When you learn English ,try to               with the language .

12.                        people invited was fifty . but

them were absent for different reasons .

四.语法 把直接引语变为间接引语 (每空一词,每题2分 ,共10分)

1) He said , “I’m going to Beijing.”

He said                     going to Beijing.

2) He asked, “Are you a teacher?”

He asked                                 a teacher

3) She said , “What are you doing?”

She       me                       doing.

4).He said to Tom, “Don’t do the work any more.”

He       Tom               do the work any more.

5).Mrs. Green said, “Please sing us a song, Miss White.”

Mrs. Green         Miss White                           a song.

五 .语法填空  (每空 1.5分 ,共 15分 )

English has changed and  1       (develop) when cultures meet and communicate    2    each other.     3     AD450 to 1150, new     4     (settle) to England enriched the English language and enlarged      5      vocabulary. In 1620, British people began to move to other countries .and gradually, English       6       (speak ) in many other countries .By the 19th century American English spelling got     7     separate identity when Noah Webster wrote his dictionary.      8     present, more people speak English as their first , second     9    a foreign language than ever before .People in South Asia such as India ,Singapore speak fluent English .China may have the    10      (large ) number of English learners .

1 .               2 .             3.                4.              5.

6 .               7 .             8.                9.              10.


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