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根据以英语作为母语的人数计算,英语可能是世界上第三大语言,但它是世界上最广泛的第二语言。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高一第一学期英语期末试题,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。




1.How does the woman usually go shopping?

A.She goes by car.   B.She  walks.    C.She shops by phone.

2.What did the man do?

A.He went downstairs.

B.He provided the information.

C.He offered a guide book.

3.What did the woman promise to do?

A.To receive some guests.

B.To have a talk with her own daughter.

C.To have lunch with both Scott and his daughter.

4.What’s the time now?

A.8:30                B.8:00                 C.9:00

5.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a coffee house     B.In a restaurant.         C.In a hotel.

第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)



6.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.They are good friends.

B.They meet for the first time.

C.They work in the same department.

7.What achievements has the woman made?

A.She won the first place in the national competition.

B.She covered the national event successfully.

C.She took good pictures for the newspapers.

8.Why does the man plan to join a club?

A.To meet new friends.

B.To improve his skills.

C.To catch up with the woman.


9.Who was interviewed by Jay Leno?

A.Julia Roberts.         B.Brad Pitt.             C.Matt Damon.

10.How much does the woman know about the film?

A.Quite a lot           B.Only a little .           C.Nothing at all.

11.What does the woman like about the film?

A.One of her favorite actresses.

B.A few famous actors in the film.

C.the film’s plot.


12.On which day will the man’s party be held?

A.On Chinese National Day.

B.On the Chinese Spring Festival.

C.On Christmas Eve.

13.What language is Lily learning?

A.Chinese                 B.English             C.French

14.What does the woman offer to do?

A.To prepare some  records.

B.To invite Bob and Jane to the party.

C.To tell the teachers about the party.


15.What does the boy suggest stopping to buy?

A.Milk                 B.Hamburgers        C.Magazines

16.What does the woman think of the convenience store?

A.The goods there are more expensive than those in the supermarket.

B.It offers a wide variety of choice.

C.It’s best place to get a bargain.

17.Who is the speaker?

A.A laboratory assistant

B.A doctor

C.A teacher of a laboratory class.


18.How will late arrivals be treated?

A.They will be allowed to enter the class and the teacher will repeat information for them.5ykj.com

B.They will not be given any special consideration.

C.They will be dropped from the class if they are late three times.

19.What happens if a student misses three classes?

A.They can make up the classes.

B.They will be dropped from the class.

C.They may be allowed to remain if they have a good excuse.

20.What should be done if long hair is worn?

A.It must be fastened tightly.

B.It will be cut.

C.The students will be asked to leave the class.


第一节: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. —I’m just phoning to wish you good luck in your exam tomorrow.      —___ .

A.Thanks. I can’t wait to go

B.Thanks. I can’t believe it’s been 5 years.

C.Thanks. We’re really happy! Everything went wonderfully

D.Thanks. We’re a bit worried about it actually

22.The roof fell ____ he had time to rush out.

A.until    B.before     C.when      D.since

23.—George is a wise person.

—But in my opinion, he is ___ than wise.

A.cleverer       B.braver        C.more brave     D.less braver

24.The number of people invited ___ fifty, but a few of them ___ absent for different reasons.

A.were; was       B.was; was C.was; were D.were; were

25.I wonder if you know it ____ .

A.in all B.all in all C.above all D.at all

26.Americans eat ___ vegetables per person today as  they did in 1910.

A.more than twice  B.as twice as many

C.twice as many as   D.more than twice as many

27.He talked about the classma tes and the school ___ he had visited.

A.which B.that            C.who D.about which

28.Once ___ what to do, these computers will show great power in carrying it out.

A.to teach B.teaches C.teaching D.taught

29.I was ___ in the middle of my  call because I had no more pennies to put in the box.

A.broken in B.cut off C.hung up      D.put down

30.— What terrible weather! It ___ for more than a week!

—The rain season will last about a month.

A.rains           B.will be raining   C.rained      D.has been raining

31.Jack, it’s ___ bad manners to blow your nose at ___ table.

A.the; a          B.the; /           C./; the       D./; /

32.—Jane, see, what did I find?

—Oh, my lost keys! ____

A.where did you find it?         B.I’m really grateful for you

C.What a nice temper you have     D.I can’t thank you enough

33.The girl devoted all her free time she had ___ others.

A.to help  B.to helping       C.helped    D.help

34.There’s somebody walking behind us. I think ___.

A.we are following   B.we being followed

C.we are followed   D.we are being followed

35.—What are you busy ___?

—I’m busy ___ a letter to my mother.

A.with; to write    B.in; writing     C.with; writing   D.in; to write



For the next two years, wh enever I was  50  of  the “pizza incident”, I would say to myself, “Don’t think about it.”

I have learned two things from this  51  . maybe I was a fool for  52  in to my conscience , and being too stupid to appreciate a  53  pizza.But the real lesson is that even if you get away from what you have done, your conscience will  54  up with you.

This reflects(反映) the saying, “A coward(懦夫) dies a thousand deaths, a hero dies one.” I was a coward and have felt terrible about that accident at least a thousand times. If I had been a “ 55 ” and gone back to pay for the pizza, I would have felt a little uncomfortable about it only once, or maybe twice.

36.A.say B.spare C.share D.explain

37.A.as B.while  C.then D.when

38.A.lost B.tired C.hungry D.anxious

39.A.excited B.eager C.satisfied D.e ncouraged

40.A.rest B.food C.travel D.drink

41.A.Luckily B.Finally C.Actually    D.immediately

42.A.thought B.recognized C.noticed D.realized


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