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英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了英语高一上学期期末试题,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。

一、 选择题(共75 分)

第一部分:听力(共20小题,满分 20 分)



1. What will the man do this afternoon?

A. Wait at home.   B. Buy a new phone.  C. Call the telephone company.

2. What are the speaker s talking about?

A. A concert.    B. Their wedding.  C. A famous band.

3. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a hospital.      B. In an office.   C. In a store.

4. When will the party be held?

A. This evening.          B. This Friday evening.  C. This Saturday evening.

5. What do we know about the woman's mother?

A. She has much free time.

B. She always goes home late.

C. She cares much about her daughter.

第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. What does the woman want to do tomorrow?

A. Buy something on sale.

B. Repair the water heater.

C. Get off work earlier.

7. How does the man feel now?

A. Excited.      B. Tired.     C. Disappointed.


8. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Teacher and student.   B. Mother and son.        C. Sister and brother.

9. What do the students want the school to do?

A. Fire some teachers.   B. Rebuild the stage.      C. Have a one-week holiday.


10. How long has the woman waited?

A. About 10 minutes.   B. About 15 minutes.  C. About 30 minutes.

11. Which bus does  the man wait for?

A. The No.8 bus.    B. The No.7 bus.   C. The No.3 bus.

12. What's the weather like today?

A. Cool.        B. Rainy.     C. Hot.


13. Where will the speakers have breakfast?

A. In the room.    B. In the restaurant.   C. In the office.

14. What does the woman usually have fo r breakfast at home?

A. A sandwich.    B. Coffee.        C.  A cup of milk.

15. What are the speakers doing?

A. Planning a trip.   B. Preparing a meeting.  C. Having a holiday.

16. Whom is the woman speaking to?

A. Her boss.    B. Her husband.      C. A waiter.


17. What is Wendy Wong's company about?

A. Food.              B. Buildings.            C. Computer games.

18. How does Wendy Wong go to school?

A. By car.        B. By taxi.       C. By subway.

19. What does Wendy Wong think of most of the school work?

A. Difficult.    B. A bit boring.      C. Useless.

20. Where does Wendy Wong spend her time after dinner?

A. In her office.      B. At home.       C. At school.



21. They travelled around _____ Changchun by _____ bus.

A. the, / B. / , a   C. /,  /   D. the, a

22. As _____ matter of fact, basic gardening is so easy to achieve that even people with physical handicaps can garden.

A. an  B. the   C. / D. a

23. In _____ to the physical benefits, aerobic exercise has emotional benefits.

A. principle   B. outcome C. turn D. addition

24. Some sports are called spectator sports, as the number of spectators greatly _____ the number playing in the game.

A. exceeds B. boasts C. strengthens D. coins

25. After a big storm, tree branches were all over the yard, which meant I had a full morning of work _____ me.

A. ahead of B. regardless of C. in case of D. in between

26. Mark started to protest, but Fran _____ him _____ and continued to say that Mark’s plan wouldn’t work.

A.  cut, up B. cut, off C. set, up D. set, off

27. Colors play an important _____ in the way you look.

A. part B. form C. effect D. pride

28. It is _______ that you understand what type of soil you have in your garden before you can take steps to improve it.

A. expressive B. essential C. popular D. beautiful

29. An excellent company is good at providing its employees and co-workers with a ____which makes them feel at home.

A. sense of humor B. sense of accomplishment

C. sense of direction D. sense of belonging

30. Those who have trouble _____ can grow crops vertically on trellises.

A. bending  B. bent C. bend D. to bend

31. On a peaceful summer day, he went to swim in the sea _____.

A. at the first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. in the first time

32. Young people should go ____ working conditions are difficult.

A. in which  B. which  C. that  D. where

33. She was angry only _____ they were late again.

A. for  B. as  C. because  D. since

34. _____ hard I try, he just refused to listen to me.

A. However B. Whatever  C. Whenever  D. Wherever

35. They smiled continuously, _____ was said.

A. no matter how B. no matter when

C. no matter what D. no matter where


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