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第二节:Alice, Jack, Kate, Ivy和Tim分别偏爱不同的书籍,阅读下面6本书的简介(A、B、C、D、E、F),从中找出符合5位兴趣爱好的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

71. Alice is a determined girl who thinks that a woman can play an important role in the political field. She is searching for useful information about women and politics.

72. Jack shows great interest in the African history. In the summer vocation he is busy collecting information about how people in Africa fought for their equal rights.

73. Kate realizes that it is not easy to be a good writer as a disabled girl, so she wants to read more books about how the disabled achieve success to encourage herself to write a novel.

74. Ivy is an unlucky girl. She lost her parents when she was only 15. Everything should be done by herself. No one can be depended on, especially in unexpected situations. She’d like to read a novel about how a strong-willed girl deals with difficulties.

75. Tim majors in science, and he is fond of adventure travel. Nowadays, he is searching for a book about how scientists make adventure travel.

A. The book presents the life of a South African leader, from his early efforts in working as a lawyer against the government, which treated the black unfairly, to his twenty-seven-year imprisonment, to his election to the presidency of the country in 1994. And also what is his life like after he is retired.

B. He became the famous leader of the Indian movement against the British with non-violent protest. This book describes his life and times and how he managed to free his country from the British rule in a peaceful way.

C. The book is a novel written by an American woman writer. The story is set in Georgia, Atlanta during and after the American Civil War. The novel describes the experiences of Scarlett O’Hara, the spoiled daughter of a rich plantation owner, who must try her best to come out of poverty after the death of her parents.

D. A terrible fever cut a 9-month old baby off from the outside world. As a result, she couldn’t see or hear anything. But she began to know the world by using her other senses with the help of her great teacher. And at last she grew up to become a world-famous author and public speaker.

E. In 1899, Oliver, a young adventurous Englishman, accepts to help his uncle win a bet: going around the world in 80 days or less to collect evidence that his uncle has created four major inventions in four different cities all around the world. Oliver follows tracks through Egypt, India, Japan, and finally to America. He must finish it in 80 days, or he will lose his bet and be ruined.

F. The book describes a story of a woman. As a former Senator, she first gained fame as the wife of President Bill Clinton. She devoted herself to women’s problems and health care. Following Barack Obama’s victory, she was invited to join the Obama Administration as America's face to the world as the Secretary of State.



第一节:改写后的课文内容填空 (共10个空,每空1分,满分10分)

Pausanias, a Greek writer made a m________ journey to i________ Li Yan, a v________ for the 2008 Olympic Games. Li told him nowadays it is a great r________ and honor to host the games. There is a special village to live in, several s________ and gymnasiums for competitions. Any country can take part in the games. The a________ who have reached the agreed s________ for their event will be a________ as competitors. And the olive wreath for winners has been r________ by m________.






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I think everyone likes music, so do me. Someone once said that if there was no music, there would be no life. Music bring you beauty and happy. After a whole day of hard work, when you go back to home, you can sit down and turn off the recorder and listen to a wonderful piece of music. I am sure it will help you getting rid of your tiredness. It will sure make you relaxing. And also, if you are somewhat angry, you can listen to music; it will make you calmed down and drive away unhappiness. I like music and I wish that everyone could find out value of music and like music forever.








How time flies. It’s two years since we gathered here to give Mr. Smith a hearty welcome in the hall.


第一部分 听力 (共二节,满分30分;每题1.5分)

1-5 CAABA6-10 ABAAA 11-15 BACCC16-20 BCCAA

第二部分 英语知识运用 (共二节,满分35分)

第一节 单项选择 ( 15分,每题1分) ks5u

21-25 ABDAB 26-30 BDADC 31-35 CABDC

第二节 完形填空 (20分,每题1分)

36-40 BACAD 41-45 DBCBA46-50 CDBAC51-55 DBAAC


第一节 阅读理解 ( 30分,每题2分)

56-59 CCAD60-63 ABBD 64-67 ABDC 68-70 BAC

第二节 任务型阅读 ( 10分,每题2分)

71-75 FADCE

第四部分 写作(共三节,满分45分)

改写后的课文内容填空 (共10个空,每空1分,满分10分)

1. magical 2. interview 3. volunteer 4. responsibility 5. stadiums

6. athletes 7. standard8. admitted 9. replaced 10. medals


I think everyone likes music, so do me. Someone once said that if there was no music,

I there would be no life. Music bring you beauty and happy. After a whole day of hard bringshappiness work, when you go back to home, you can sit down and turn off the recorder and listen on to a wonderful piece of music. I am sure it will help you getting rid of your tiredness.

get It will sure make you relaxing. And also, if you are somewhat angry, you can listen to surely relaxed music; it will make you calmed down and drive away unhappiness. I like music and I calm wish that everyone could find out / value of music and like music forever.


One possible version:

How time flies. It’s two years since we gathered here to give Mr. Smith a hearty welcome in the hall. For the past two years, Mr. Smith has worked very hard and we have learned a lot from him. His lessons were interesting and lively. He taught us spoken English. And nowmost of us can speak English very smoothly. Yet, he is returning to the U.S. soon. How I wish he could stay longer with us. Let me express our thanks to him for his good work. We do hope that he will be able to come to China again in the future. We wish him a pleasant journey. Thank you.



M: I heard the fire broke out at two in the morning.

W: That's right. And it took the firefighters three hours to put it out.

Text 2ks5u

W: Have you heard the news?

M: No. What news?

W: Julie has won first prize in the diving competition.

M: Oh, that's great.


M: It has been raining these days.

W: The weather report said that it would be fine tomorrow.


W: Could you tell me the starting time for both movies?

M: Sure. The first begins at 7 and lasts for 2 hours and 45 minutes. The second follows right after.


W: Do people drive on the right in England?

M: No you mustn't drive on the right there.

Text 6

M: What's the matter? You look very worried.

W: My bag is missing. Has anybody handed one in?

M: No, what kind bag is it?

W: It is a brown leather shoulder bag.

M: I see. What was inside it?

W: There was a purse and two keys.

M: Was there anything else in it?

W: Yes. There was a letter with my name on it.

M: Good. If anyone hands it in, I'll let you know right away.

W: Thank you very much.

M: You're welcome. Don't worry. It'll turn up soon.

Text 7

W: Welcome to our factory, I hope you will enjoy your visit. First, let me give you a brief introduction. It was set up five years ago. Model cars and trucks are our main products. They are very popular among children. There are three workshops in our factory.

M: That sounds interesting.

W: This way, please. Here we are. This is the workshop where model cars and trucks are produced.

M: Oh, it looks great. How many model cars and trucks do you produce every month?

W: About ten thousand.

M: Really? That's amazing. What are they made of?

W: Some of them are made of wood and others are made of plastic.

M: That's why some models are light and others are heavy.

W: Now, shall we go to another workshop?

Text 8

M: Mrs. Smith, we're very pleased that you want to work for our company. I wonder if you'd be interested in working in India.

W: India? But I lived there. I was there for four years.

M: How about Brazil?

W: Brazil? No, I worked there.

M: Well, would you consider the Middle East?

W: Certainly not. I worked there, too. I spent three years there.

M: Well, there's Russia, perhaps.

W: No, not Russia. I've seen Russia.

M: It's a big country.

W: Yes, and I lived there for a long time. Can't you find any other country?

M: Well, there's this island in the Pacific Ocean.

W: Island? which island? I lived there.

M: But, Mrs. Smith, there are thousands of islands, as we all know.

W: Well, I've seen them all. Really, can't you let me go to a different country from all those you have mentioned?

Text 9

W: I noticed an article in the newspaper about the problem of rapid growth of cities in America. I was wondering...Do Americans carry out a birth control policy? Can you Americans have as many children as you want?

M: Yes, we can have as many as we want, but most people decide to have only one or two. And some people decide not to have any.

W: Why do they decide not to have any? In the old days, we Chinese always wanted to have as many as possible. Some still do now.

M: Some people prefer to devote all their energy to their work or to seek their own interests and travel. And others see so many problems in the world that they refuse to bring children into such a difficult environment.

W: Oh, it's understandable.


Very strong winds will bring rain to Scotland and most of northern England in the morning. This wind will die away during the afternoon to give a cold clear night and there may be ice on the roads in Scotland. The rest of England and Wales will have a dry day, and in London temperature will be higher than normal at this time of year. The evening will be cold with fog in many places of Cardiff. Tomorrow will be a windy day with rain everywhere until around noon. In the afternoon the rain will clear from the southwest, and there may be some sun in London. But the temperature will be low and the wind may bring some snow anywhere in the north and west before morning.

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