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英语是联合国的工作语言之一,也是事实上的国际交流语言。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高一上册英语期末试卷,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。


第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)



1. How long did it take the man to finish the writing?

A. Three hours.    B. One hour and a half.   C. Half an hour

2. What will the weather be like in the following days?

A. It is warming up.   B. It is going to rain.     C. It is getting colder.

3. How will the two speakers go home?

A. By subway.     B. By taxi.      C. By bus.

4. Where is Tom?

A. In the police station.   B. On a bus.     C. At school.

5. How many parents will come to the meeting?

A. 40.       B. 26.       C. 13.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



6. Why is the man here?

A. To buy a car.     B. To attend a wedding    C. To have a family get-together.

7. What is the man going to do next?

A. Find a parking space.   B. Talk to the policeman.   C. Move his car.


8. What does the man probably do?

A. A salesman.     B. A bus conductor.     C. A student.

9. How much time is left for the man to catch the bus?

A. 10 minutes.     B. 20 minutes.      C. 30 minutes.

请听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题

10. When did the woman make the appointment?

A. Last week.     B. Two days ago.     C. Yesterday.

11. What’s the matter with the woman according to the man?

A. The work has tired her out.    B. She’s got H1N1 flu.   C. She’s got a cold.

12. What is the man’s advice?

A. To sleep well.     B. To play sports.     C. To take medicine.


13. How many people share an apartment with the man?

A. Three.       B. Four.       C. Five.

14. How is the man getting along with his roommates?

A. They never talk.    B. They quarrel a lot.   C. They get along well.

15. What do we know about the man?

A. He’s from Brazil.   B. He has a car.    C. He likes cooking.

16. What does the woman want to do?

A . Visit the man’s apartment.

B. Move out of the dorm(宿舍).

C. Go shopping with the man


17. What is the percentage of families having pets in North America?

A. 60%.     B. 30%.     C. 16%.

18. Which are the most popular pets?

A. Cats and fish.   B. Dogs and birds.   C. Cats and dogs.

19. How may people feel without pets according to the speaker?

A. Free.     B. Upset.     C. Lonely.

20. What do we know about people in North America?

A. They don’t let their pets sleep in their beds.

B. They treat their pets as family members.

C. They often give their pets a checkup.




21. I failed in the job interview and only then _____ the importance of learning English well.

A. I realized      B. I had realized  C. did I realize  D. had I realized

22. I would appreciate ______________ if you could come to my birthday party.

A. you               B. this               C. that              D. it

23. The fields where crops used to be grown ________ for building now.

A. have used       B. have been used

C. are being used      D. are used

24. ________ is no doubt _______ Mo Yan, this year’s Nobel Prize winner in Literature, ever did so much on his way to success.

A. It; whether        B. There; if

C. There; whether       D. There; that

25. Special attention should be paid to ________ forests from fires in winter.

A. protected    B. protecting     C. protects    D. protect

26. — Tom, could you go to the supermarket with me?

— I’d like to, but my homework ______ and I have to hand it in tomorrow.

A. wasn’t finished       B. won’t be finished

C. hasn’t been finished      D. hadn’t been finished

27. We saw a ________ big snake in the grass yesterday, which ________ all of us to death.

A. frightened; frightened    C. frightened; frightening

C. frightening; frightened    D. frightening; frightening

28. He is a man of great help, with ________ help you can solve the problem easily.

A.  his          B.  which           C.  whom           D.  whose

29. During the Spring Festival, the police are ______ the public saf ety.

A. getting through    B. working out    C. watching over      D. looking into

30. It was in the yard of his old house _____ he grew up ____ he dug out a pot of gold.

A. that ; that   B. that ; where  C. where  ; where  D. where ; that

31. He is a man who lacks experience and determination, and I think he is not ________ the job.

A. devoted to   B. equal to  C. equal with    D. able to

32. — Li Fan won the first prize in the national physics competition.

— I ________ he was the winner.

A. shouldn’t have thought    B. must have thought

C. need have thought     D. could never have thought

33. Our head teacher keeps telling us that the future ________ to the well-educated.

A. belongs        B. is belonging

C. will be belonged      D. is belonged

34. — Peter failed in the exam again.

— He ________ it; he never worked hard.

A. responded   B. deserved   C. inspected   D. rewarded

35. — Why not turn to your history teacher for help?

— ________.

A. I’m too busy     B. I’m sorry

C. That’s a good idea    D. It doesn’t matter


36. A. fell    B. lay    C. sank   D. rose

37. A. noisily   B. harmlessly  C. quietly  D. seriously

38. A. stealing   B. buying  C. making  D. folding

39. A. earned   B. needed  C. saw   D. afforded

40. A. watching  B. selling   C. destroying  D. holding

41. A. locking   B. building  C. opening  D. sparing

42. A. wiping out  B. carrying out C. picking out D. giving out

43. A. warm   B. cold   C. broken  D. closed

44. A. came   B. got   C. ran   D. left

45. A. sent out  B. knocked down C. brought out D. taken away

46. A. for    B. or   C. so   D. but

47. A. excited   B. surprised  C. upset   D.  frightened

48. A. secretly   B. patiently  C. slowly   D. proudly

49. A. traffic   B. trade   C. movement  D. climate

50. A. around   B. down   C. up   D. forward

51. A. walk   B. run   C. drive   D. flight

52. A. necessarily  B. basically  C. normally  D. certainly

53. A. waiting   B. playing  C. fighting  D. hiding

54. A. respect   B. ignore   C. notice   D. hate

55. A. glory   B. help   C. interest  D. hope


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