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高一英语必修一单元作业题:Module 5





1.We were ____________ (惊讶) to hear what had happened.

2.I attended a __________ (演讲) on how to study English yesterday.

3.We need to consider what ___________ (设施) we will use for language training.

4.The plane was __________ (理应) to arrive at 9∶30,but it was an hour late.

5.The youth like to follow the __________ (最新的) trends in fashion.

6.Seven Canadian ____________ (科学家) have won the Nobel Prize.


1.用used to或would填空

(1)Whenever I was in trouble,he ________ help me.

(2)I __________ drink black tea,but now I drink green tea.

(3)He isn’t what he __________ be 10 years ago.


(1)Have you heard from Tom ________?

(2)Three days ________,he came back.

(3)Hurry up,or you will be ________.

(4)She is 5 minutes ________ than her classmates.



Jack ____________ being the son of the excellent scientist.


I __________ go to the park a lot,but I never get the time now.


These years,there have been great improvements ____________ health and education in China.


To her delight,her baby is becoming ________________________ the world around him.


I ________________ see her off,but I was busy with work and forgot it.


________________ China has many first­class universities.


1.He is always________ his excellent spoken English,while his sister________ her beauty.

A.proud of;takes pride of

B.proud in;takes pride in

C.proud in;takes pride of

D.proud of;takes pride in

2.The message is very important,so it is supposed________ as soon as possible.

A.to be sent                B.to send

C.being sent                D.sending

3.In my opinion,life in the twenty­first century is much easier than ________.

A.that used to be            B.it is used to

C.it was used to             D.it used to be

4.Don’t worry about me.I’ll come back________ by nine o’clock.

A.at the latest               B.at last

C.later on                  D.sooner or later

5.The government decided to improve the school________ for study,such as libraries,labs and multimedia classrooms.

A.equipments               B.machines

C.instruments               D.facilities

6.She’s got so________ to light music that it has become a companion of her life.

A.used to listening           B.used to listen

C.was used to listening        D.was used to listen

7.Madam Curie was given the Nobel Prize for her contributions________ of chemistry.

A.in place                  B.in the area

C.proud                    D.instead

8.The little boy has an amazing________ in remembering telephone numbers.

A.equipment                B.facility

C.feeling                   D.pride

9.Her father made a________ bench for her.

A.four legged                B.four­leg

C.four­legged                D.four legs

10.—I heard the peasants here________ very poor in the past.

—Yes,but there________ great changes in the past few years.

A.were;were               B.have been;have been

C.have been;were           D.were;have been


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