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英语的母语使用者数量位居世界第三,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高一年级英语上学期期中试卷,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。



听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. How does the woman probably feel now?

A. Angry    B. Excited    C. Nervous

2. What will the woman do next?

A. Take a walk in the park.

B. Keep doing her homework.

C. Take an exam.

3. When is the man’s birthday?

A. On July 16th   B. On July 17th    C. On July 18th

4. Where are the two speakers most probably?

A. At home     B. In the classroom.     C. In the office.

5. What does the woman want to do with the cake?

A. Have it returned     B. Give it to the man.     C. Take it to a birthday party.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话后或独白有几个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C 三个选项中选出最佳选,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. Where will the man travel this year?

A. California.   B. Michigan.    C. New York.

7. What is the woman’s plan for the summer?

A. To go camping.   B. To visit friends.   C. To relax at home.


8. What will the woman do tomorrow?

A. Work on her school paper.

B. Go to a movie.

C. Visit her grandma.

9. When will the man probably spend time with his friend?

A. From 6:00 to 6:30    B. From 6:30 to 7:00   C. From 7:00 to 7:30


10. Why did the woman give up playing ping-pong?

A. She found it difficult.

B. She loved basketball better.

C. She had no time to practice.

11. How often does the man usually play ping-pong?

A. Three times a week.  B. Twice a week.  C. Once a week.

12. What does the woman usually like to do on Wednesday?

A. Practice yoga.   B. Play Volleyball   C. Play tennis.


13. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A. A swimming competition.

B. A singing contest.

C. A travel plan.

14. What does the woman say about her group?

A. They have won for the past three years.

B. They beat the same group two years.

C. They came in second place this year.

15. How did the man spend his weekend?

A. By studying in the library.

B. By walking on the beach.

C. By swimming in the ocean.

16. What will the woman and her group probably do when the semester is over?

A. Add new members.

B. Organize a graduation party.

C. Take a trip to the beach.


17. With whom did the speaker visit Italy this time?

A. His cousins Eve an Ann.

B. Two of his close friends.

C. His father.

18. Which city did the speaker visit on the first day?

A. Florence.   B. Rome.   C. Umbria.

19. What did the speaker do in Sicily?

A. He went to the beach.

B. He toured some old villages.

C. He visited several museums

20. How long did the speaker travel around Italy this time?

A. Three days.    B. Four days.    C. Five days.




In Europe, many people make friends between their countries through town twinning. Town or city twinning means two towns in different countries agree and decide to become “twins” with a sister city relationship.

The people find pen friends in the twin town. They exchange newspapers and stamps. The school teachers discuss teaching methods with the teachers in the twin town. Officials visit the twin town for celebrations. Ordinary people travel to the twin town, too, but not very often if it is far away.

Sometimes, schools even exchange their classes for two or three weeks! For example, German middle school students study for a while at the school in their twin town in Britain, staying with British families. A few months later, their British friends come to study in Germany.

Many British towns are so pleased with the results of the twinning that they set out to find more than one twin town.

Tonbridge, a small town in Kent, for example, has twin town in both Germany and France. Richmond near London has relationships with Germany, France and even a town in a Balkan country!

Town twinning can help make friends. It helps students improve their language skills, and also helps people to understand the differences between nations.

21. Twin towns develop __________.

A. between European countries and China

B. in the English-speaking countries only

C. in the same country

D. between different countries

22. How many countries are mentioned in the passage?

A. 4    B. 5    C. 6     D. 7

23. One of the advantages of town twinning is__________.

A. to earn more money

B. to set up schools

C. to improve students’ language skills

D. to develop industry and agriculture

24. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Town Twinning

B. Friendly Town

C. Exchange Teachers and Students

D. Peace and Understanding


Farah was sitting in the kitchen going over the party list with her mother. The exams were over and Farah wanted to invite her friends for a party.

“Farah, aren’t you going to invite Hafsa?” her mother asked. Hafsa had been her best friend since childhood.

“Mother, you know I am now  a part of Purple Girls Club and we have some rules about people we can be friends with,” Farah answered.

“Really? And what are the rules?” her mother asked.

“Well. Only very pretty girls can be part of our group. And Hafsa is so… you know… dark.”

“I can’t believe it,” her mother said angrily.

As Farah left the kitchen, her father called her from the living room.

Farah went to her father and paled when she saw the exam report in his hands. “Farah, what has happened to your grades? You have failed in Mathematics,” her father said.

Farah had no answer. The truth was that the activities of Purple Girls Club left her with very little time for studies.

“Farah, it says that you can take part in supplementary exams(补考). If your grades don’t improve then, I’ll cancel(取消) your trip to Spain.”

Farah went to her room and called Gina, the leader of Purple Girls Club, “Gina, can you help me to complete my notes before the exams?”

Gina laughed. “Exams? Who cares about exams?”

One by one, she called her friends in the club but no one seemed to care or wanted to help.

Farah knew Hafsa would help her.Farah also knew Hafsa had been hurt by her, but Hafsa said, “If you need any help, just let me know. We can study together till your exams.”

Next Monday, as two friends entered the school together, Gina called out.

“Farah, you know our rules. You cannot be friends with those who do not belong to our club.”

“Gina, I have a new rule about friendship,” Farah replied.

25. After Farah became a member of Purple Girls Club, she chose a friend according to a person’s________.

A. looks   B. usual activities   C. grades   D. favorite colors.

26. Farah became pale after going to her father because ________.

A. he didn’t allow her to go to Spain

B. she didn’t do well in her exams

C. she had to leave Purple Girl Club

D. he asked her to improve her grades

27. Which word can best describe Hafsa?

A. Silly.   B. Beautiful.   C. Rude.   D. Kind.

28. What lesson can we learn from the passage?

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

B. A perfect friend will never be found.

C. Be slow in choosing a friend.

D. Friendship can be developed easily.


As you are students of English, it’s very possible that you’ll be interested in England. That’s where the language was first spoken. But England is often called by other names. This often confuses people and I wonder if you know what these names mean. So, now I would like to tell you about this matter of names. I believe that you have heard people use the names--- England, Britain or Great Britain. Let’s see what each of these names means.

If you look at a map of Europe, you’ll see a group of islands--- one larger island off the northwest coast, one smaller and many tiny ones. These make up what is called the British Isles. The largest island of the British Isles is Britain. It is also called Great Britain. The smaller island is Ireland.

Britain is divided into three parts: Scotland, Wales and England. But sometimes the world “England” is used instead of “Britain.” Why so?

In ancient times, what is Britain now used to be three different countries. People in these different countries spoke different languages. Over many years the three countries became one. England is the largest and richest of the three and it has the most people. So the English people take it for granted that their own name stands for the whole island.

There’s another thing that confuses people: sometimes you may hear people say “the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. That is the official name of the country. Northern Ireland is only one sixth of the island of Ireland. The rest of the island is an independent state, called the Republic of Ireland. So we have the names of “Britain”, “Great Britain”, and “the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. Now do you know what each of them means?


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