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1. 与……相似

2. 离……远

3. 完全不像;完全不

4. 换句话说

5. 期待;盼望

6. 对……印象深刻

7. 参加

8. 确定,确信

9. 犯错误

10. 取得进步

11. 讲笑话;开玩笑

12. 更喜欢做(某事)

13. (飞机)起飞

14. 被遗弃的农场

15. 是……的缩写或简称

16. 到目前为止

17. 做成某事;取得成功

18. 与……发生(化学)反应

19. 理应,应当

20. 由……组成


1. 你越小心,在实验中犯的错误就越少。

The more careful you are, __________________________________in the experiment.

2. 要是下雨的话,我们在室内比赛行吗?

_____________________________________, can we play the match indoors?

3. 她为自己的孩子取得的成绩感到无比骄傲。

She ___________________ in her children’s success.

4. 这个房间装有空调设备。

The room _____________________air conditioners.

5. 我已多年不在那个村子住了。

It has been years since ______________ in the village.

6. 钱对我来说没什么用处。

Money ___________________me.

7. 我终于在巴黎同她取得了联系。

I finally _____________________________her in Paris.

8. 我买不起这么大的房子。

I _________________________such a big house.

9. 冬天就要来临了。

Winter is _____________.

10. 他无法和他的同事们很好地相处, 这让他很郁闷。

He couldn’t ____________________his colleagues, which depressed him.


1. He keeps a record of everything ______he had seen there.

A. the B. that C. which D. what

2. Tell us about the people and the places _______are different from ours.

A. that B. who C. which D. whom

3. Last Sunday they reached Qingdao, ___________a conference was to be held.

A. which B. that C. when D. where

4. Is this the museum ___________you visited the other day?

A. that B. where C. in which D. the one


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