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第二部分 词汇知识运用(共两节, 满分30分)

第一节 多项选择(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)

21. If you want to   the narrow alleys(胡同)of old Beijing, you’d better use the pedicab(三轮车).

A. explore    B. express    C. exchange    D. explode

22. —What happened to the family in the accident?

—All of the family   the daughter got injured. Fortunately, they are all improving.

A. other than         B. rather than

C. less than         D. more than

23. You may not understand what they have done, because they   a younger generation.

A. belong to         B. apply to

C. refer to          D. appeal to

24. (2013•南宁高一检测)—   , a ten-year-old boy can finish the task in ten days.

—He is quite talented and diligent as well.

A. Exactly          B. Fortunately

C. Happily          D. Amazingly

25. —The kind-hearted lady is popular with her neighbors, right?

—Yes, she is ready to help others without expecting anything   .

A. in store    B. in return   C. in charge   D. in turn

26. At present, many people from countryside went to the cities   better jobs.

A. in search of         B. in place of

C. in memory of        D. in spite of

27.    the website of the Fire Department in your city, and you will learn a lot about fire fighting.

A. Sell     B. Select    C. Shoot    D. Search

28. —Brad is Jane’s brother.

—   he reminds me so much of Jane!

A. No doubt         B. Above all

C. No wonder         D. Of course

29. It is believed that there’s little chance that mankind would   a nuclear war.

A. stand    B. persuade   C. transform   D. survive

30. The new bridge   by the famous architect is under construction now.

A. built    B. designed   C. blown    D. damaged


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