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第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




People always say, “Parents_are_the_best_teachers_of_their_children,” but the reality is that many children have outdistanced their parents in aspects such as using Internet to obtain information.

It is said that a “post-figurative” phenomenon occurs in Chinese families, namely that children have begun to influence their parents in fields such as information technology (IT), cultural consumption and entertainment. Children are actually teaching their parents in certain aspects.

Last week, the China Youth Daily's Social Investigation Center surveyed 1,750 people via the Internet, of whom, nearly 39 percent are the 1970s generation, and nearly 40 percent are the 1980s generation. Over 56 percent of respondents think that the “post-figurative” phenomenon is common and only slightly more than 25 percent regard it as rare.

As for reasons for this phenomenon, nearly 78 percent of respondents attribute it to the fact that young people are better at learning new things, nearly 67 percent think that young people can learn new skills more easily and nearly 39 percent believe that it is difficult for parents to teach their children certain aspects because of certain restrictions such as low parental education level.

The survey shows that nearly 42 percent regard the “post-figurative” phenomenon as good, more than 35 percent regard it as neither good nor bad and only about 8 percent consider it to be bad.

Zhou Yunqing, vice president of the Hubei Family Education Research Association and a professor of sociology at Wuhan University, said that children have begun teaching their parents, which has changed the traditional mode of one-way education.

Family education should be interactive, he said. Children and parents should learn from each other and pursue common progress. Since the most suitable education is the best education, family education should meet the growth needs of children.


21.The author cited the underlined sentence in order to ______.

A. prove his viewpoint

B.add fun to his composition

C.show the theme of the passage

D.show the differences between tradition and reality

答案:D 文章结构题。从其后“but”一词可以知道作者是用来表示数字时代前后的巨大差异。

22.“Post-figurative” phenomenon refers to________.

A.children teaching their parents

B.the situations after the invention of computers

C.children influence their parents in fields of IT, etc

D.information technology, cultural consumption and entertainment

答案:C 词义猜测题。其后有“namely that...”表示解释。

23.Zhou Yunqing thinks that ________.

A. family education should be two-way mode

B. parents are the best teachers of their children

C. children should teach their parents since they know little

D. children should pursue progress while parents should work

答案:A 意图态度题。从“which has changed the traditional mode of one-way education.”可知传统的单向教育要向电子时代的双向教育转变。

24.The most suitable title for the passage may be ________.

A. In role reversal, Chinese kids teach parents

B. Parents are the best teachers of their children

C. Children are the best teachers of their parent

D. Post-figurative phenomenon occurs in Chinese families

答案:A 主旨要义题。孩子教父母是互联网时代的一个转变,选A比选项C准确。


Nick Petrels  is  a  doctor  in Montreal. He  works  60  hours  a week. He takes care of 159 patients a week in the hospital and at his office. He's been a doctor for ten years.

Dr. Petrels gives his patients good medical advice. But he doesn't just tell his patients what to do. He also sings to them on television! Dr. Petrels has his own TV show. The show is in Italian, English and French. The doctor starts the show with a song and then gives medical advice. He explains a medical problem or disease in simple language. After that, he sings another song.

Dr. Petrels produces and performs in his own show every week. The  program  is  very  popular  with  his patients and with people who enjoy his singing. His dream is to perform in Las Vegas. His favorite songs are love songs, and he has a compact disc of love songs that he wrote. Dr. Petrels says, “I always love to sing. All my problems are gone when I sing.” But when Dr. Petrels was young, his father didn't want him to be a singer, so he went to a medical school.

Some people tell Dr. Petrels he can help people more as a doctor. But Dr. Petrels says he helps people when he sings, too.“I like to make people smile. Sometimes it's difficult to make a sick person smile. Medicine and entertainment(娱乐) both try to do the same thing. They try to make people feel good.”


25.Dr. Petrels works 60 hours a week,  because he ________.

A.gives his patients medical advice

B.takes care of 159 patients a week

C.sings on television

D.has his own TV show

答案:B 细节理解题。第一段告诉我们“He takes care of 159 patients a week,”如此多的病人,难怪He works 60 hours a week。

26.Dr. Petrels ________, so he is called a singing doctor.

A.has been a doctor for ten years

B.always loves to sing

C.is popular with his patients

D.also sings to his patients on TV

答案:D 细节理解题。由第二段的“He also sings to them on television,”我们可得知他被称为a singing doctor的原因。

27.In his TV show, Dr. Petrels ________.

A.sings and gives medical advice

B.sings about different diseases

C.starts to explain diseases with a song

D.sings love songs he wrote

答案:A 细节理解题。要据第二段的“The doctor starts the show with a song and then gives medical advice,”我们便可知道Dr. Petrels在他的节目中干些什么。

28.Dr. Petrels says he likes to ________.

A.help people sing

B.make people feel better

C.do the same thing

D.make difficult people smile

答案:B 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知答案应选B。


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