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如果同学们想要更快的掌握新知识,威廉希尔app 整理了高一英语月考模拟练习试题,帮助大家练习。

第Ⅰ卷(选择题  共80分)




1. Although they are twin sisters, they have nothing______ with each other except that they look alike.

A. in fact B. in return C. in all  D. in common

2. A new stadium__________ next year, for an international tennis game will be held in this city.

A. will build B. has built C. has been built D. will be built

3. I am in ________ charge of the class which was in ________charge of my wife.

A. /; / B. /; the  C. the; / D. the; the

4. There have been so many school bus accidents recently._________, people are concerned about the

school bus safety much.

A. As a result  B. After all  C. In spite of D. Instead of

5. They sold their house for only 12,000 dollars, so the buyer got a wonderful ________.

A. cost B. bargain C. amount D. value

6. __________ is often the case with children, Amy was better  by the time the doctor arrived.

A. As B. It  C. What  D. That

7. I’d like to invite you to my home ________your warm hospitality (款待).

A. in return of   B. in return for C. in return to D. in return with

8. — The book deserves __________ a second time.

— Sorry, I can't follow you clearly.

— I said that the book was worth__________.

A. reading; to read

C. To be read, to be read B. reading; reading

D. reading; being read

9. The headmaster will not permit the chang e in the  course, nor _________ it a thought.

A. does he even give B. he even gives C. he will even given D. will he even give

10. I can’t tell you the exact time when I’ll get there, maybe at 8 or 9 or later. __________, I’ll be there

as early as I can.

A. Thus  B. However  C. Anyhow D. There

11. The driver who died in the accident _________, but he didn’t wear the seat belt.

A. could survived B. could have survived B. must survived D. must have survived

12. The teacher asked his students to leave a space in their exercise books ________.

A. every a few lines B. each a few lines C. each few lines D. every few lines

13. Some scientists believe that ________ is no doubt ________ a cure for AIDS will be found.

A. it; that  B. it; whether  C. there; that D. there; whether

14. More than 10,000 competitors from the world came to Beijing to compete __________ each other

__________medals in 2008

A. with; for B. for; against C. against; with D. for; with

15. It was in the room _________ he was born _________ the meeting was held.

A. that; that B. where; that C. which; where D. where; which

16. Students should involve themselves in community activities ___________ they can gain experience

for growth.

A. who B. when C. which D. where

17. It’s surprising that your brother __________ some knowledge of the computer just by watching

others  working on it.

A.  picked up B. packed up C. put up D. made up

18. — __________ do you call up your parents ?

— Mostly once a week, but this week I haven’t done that, because I’ll go back this weekend.

A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How soon

19. I have been told that the pen as well as the books __________ him.

A. belongs to B. is belonged to  C. are belonged to D. belong to

20. There is n’t any difference between the two. I really don’t know __________.

A. what to choose  B. which to choose C. to choose what  D. to choose which


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