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为了让大家更快的掌握新知识,威廉希尔app 整理了绵阳南山中学秋季高一月考英语试题,帮助大家练习。

第I卷(选择题, 共80分)


第一节:单项填空(共15 小题,每题1分,满分15 分)

从(A、B、C、D) 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

1. Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like          of the teachers at my Junior High.

A. that                B. one      C. ones      D. it

2. What         fun it is to have a year-end party to celebrate         start of a new year.

A. a; the     B. /; the     C. /; a      D. a; a

3. —Have you read the timetable?

—Yes . The train         at 10:15 p.m.

A. will leave     B. is going to leave   C. should leave      D. leaves

4. It has been more than ten years         the twin sisters last saw each other.

A. when      B. after        C. since     D. before

5. The English Scientist called Berners-Lee________ the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989.

A. caught up with    B. ended up with    C. kept up with    D. came up with

6. —May I remind you that a Mr. Wang is waiting outside, Sir?

—Oh, that’s  right. I         about it.

A. forget        B. forgot          C. had forgotten    D. will forget

7. As the price of homes goes up, many people         afford to a house.

A. can’t     B.  needn’t      C. may not    D. should not

8.         Ms Chen teaching me Physics, I am sure I will do well in  the exam.

A. If    B. When    C. With    D. For

9. Gulangyu is a gorgeous island         there is some really interesting architecture.

A. that         B. where         C. which         D. what

10. Though the policemen got         after looking for the murderer in the city for a whole day, they felt excited when finding an         knife by the lake.

A. exhausting; abandoning           B. exhausted ; abandoning

C. exhausted; abandoned          D. exhausting; abandoned

11. —What shall we do tonight then?

—        —whatever you want.

A. It’s up to you         B. No problem

C. Help yourself                   D. It’s a deal

12. Since we have failed many times, we should think of a new approach        the problem.

A. abo ut solving       B. of solving       C. to solving      D. in solving

13. Bring the flowers into a warm room,          you’ll find they will open soon.

A. or                  B. and               C. but            D. for

14. 20% of the students of Nan Shan Senior High         the school colorful clubs so far.

A. has joined        B. has been joined    C. have joined   D. have been joined

15. It is common sense that fever is a         of the flu.

A. symbol     B. symptom          C. signal    D. sign


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