亲,就要考试了,怎么办呢?不要怕,编辑老师为各位考生编辑了周口市高一英语下学期期末调研试卷, 希望大家多看多做多练~
Once a father was seated at the dinner table with his wife and children. A good friend who had come to visit was eating with them. While they were sitting there the clock struck twelve,and the stranger saw the door open and a very pale little child dressed in snow-white clothes come in. It neither looked around,nor did it speak,but went straight into the next room. Soon afterwards it came back,and just as silently went out of the door again.
On the second and an the third day it came back in exactly the same manner. Then the stranger finally asked the father, whose beautiful child it was that went into the next room every day at noon.
“I did not see it,”he said,adding that he did not know whose child it might be.
The next day when it again came,the stranger pointed it out to the father, but the latter did not see it,nor did the mother and the children see anything. Then the stranger got up,went to the door of the room,opened it a little,and looked in. There he saw the child sitting on the floor, and busily digging and rooting about in the cracks in the floor. When it saw the stranger, it disappeared.
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