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1 Population experts say that by 2050 the world will have about 2 billion people aged over 60,____as today.

A as three times        B  three times as many

C  three times many   D  three times many as

2 Cucumber contains a high content of vitamin  C which is five times higher than _____of watermelon.

A  ones         B it             C   that               D those

3 If you are able to create a positive ______towards reading in your home ,your children will be more likely to seek out reading as a way to gain praise

A  belief    B  attitude    C   practice   D  habit

4 After being questioned by the police , he admitted ____in the supply of drugs over a 20-year period.

A  to be involved    B   being involved  C  involved   D  been involving

5 Your life insurance should be enough to ____any funeral costs as well as debts that you may have accumulated.

A  adopt    B  hold  C  cover  D  load

6 Moreover,27.6 percent of  those ____preferred reading on their mobile phones, which was 4.6 percent higher than last year.

A  surveying   B to survey  C  surveyed  D  having surveyed


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