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【摘要】考点内容有什么变化?复习需要注意什么?威廉希尔app 高中频道小编整理了2014年高一英语第二学期期末测试卷答案解析,希望为大家提供服务。


Text l

W:1 wonder if I could book a room for next Sunday.

M:Sure,no problem.Your name and address,please.

Text 2 ,

M:Excuse me,where’s the sound lab?

W:The sound lab? It’s next to Room l03.

M:Which direction?

W:Over there.

Text 3

M:My mother believes that our diet should contain fruit and fish as well as meat and Vegetables.

W:I like vegetables and fruit more than meat and fish.

Text 4

M:Now,what’S the problem,Madam?

W:Oh,yes.My husband bought this yellow skirt here yesterday.It is Vcry nice,but it’s not the color l want.Do you have any blue ones?

Text 5

W:1 wonder if you haye time to go to the market today.We haVe altoost run out of bread.

M:You’d better do that.My report is not finished yet,but my boss needs it tomorrow,

Text 6

M:Hi,Sue,how’s it going?

W:Oh,hi,Frank.Just fine.How are your grades?

M:Pretty good.I’m glad this is my last term here,though.

W:Why is that? I thought you were enjoying sch001.

M:I was,but now l’m getting tired of it.I’m ready for the real world.

W:What are you planning to do when you graduate?

M:First l want to traveI a lime bit,and then l want to get a good job as a computer specialist•

w:Sounds good。I still have three terms to go before I graduate.

M:I’m sure you’11 do well! See you later.

Text 7

M:Excuse me,Madam. I’m wondering when to use the saying“Fingers were made before forks”.

w:When a person forgets good manners,puts aside his knife and fork,and dives into his food,someone is likely to say this phrase. {

M:Oh,I see。

w:The fork was an ancient agricuhural too1,but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the ll th century,when a young lady from Constantinople brought her fork to Italy,did the custom reach Europe.The English explanation was that Italians were against eating food with their fingers.Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in Eng1and during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

M:Oh,thank you very much.

W:You’re welcome.


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