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 【摘要】要多练习题,知道自己的不足,对大家的学习有所帮助,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家总结的高一上学期英语期中试卷及答案,希望大家喜欢。



1. What has the man been doing?

A. Watching TV. B. Listening to the radio. C. Doing his homework.

2. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Brother and sister. B. Mother and son. C. Neighbors.


3. What does the man probably think of the picnic?

A. Terrible. B. Great. C. Just so-so.

4. What do we know about Ann?

A. She is good at her studies. B. She is not popular with others.

C. She doesn’t know how to cook.


5. What’s wrong with the man?

A. He has become seriously ill. B. His head is injured.

C. His hand is bleeding.

6. What does the woman decide to do?

A. To get the man’s wallet for him. B. To go to the hospital with the man.

C. To lend the man some money.


7. What was the woman doing a moment ago?

A. Playing with Jim. B. Preparing for her school paper.

C. Surfing the Internet in her room.

8. What do we know about the woman?

A. She is very easy-going. B. She likes kids very much.

C. She doesn't understand kids well.

9. How does Jim look now?

A. Angry. B. Sad. C. Bored.


10. How old is the woman now?

A. 7 years old. B. 15 years old. C. 8 years old.

11. What does the man like doing?

A. Collecting stamps. B. Collecting CDs. C. Listening to music.

12. What do the woman and the man’s sister have in common?

A. They both like going to the cinema.

B. The both have a lot of hobbies.

C. They are both good at singing.


13. Who is Li Hui?

A. The man’s Chinese friend. B. A tourist guide. C. The man’s classmate.

14. What do we know about Li Hui’s mother?

A. She likes traveling. B. She speaks three languages.

C. She can speak English.

15. What has the woman decided to do?

A. To go to work in China next year.

B. To go to China with the man tomorrow.

C. To go camping with Lily and her brother.


16. After the examination, my teacher told me that failure ____ the mother of success.

A. was B. is C. be D. are

17. Tom told the boss of his company that he ______ born in 1956.

A. was B. had been C. is D. has been

18. He asked me, “How are you getting along with your English study?”

→He asked _______.

A. how I am getting along with my English study.

B. how are you getting along with your English study.

C. how I was getting along with my English study.

D. how was I getting along with my English study.

19. _______ get a better score, she has been studying hard all day.

A. So as to B. In order to

C. So that D. In order that

20. ----Hi, Tom, do you get along ______ with your new boss?

---- Just fine. Thank you for your concern.

A. very much B. quite well C. very good D. fairly entirely

21. This exam is very difficult. Many students are concerned ______ the results.

A. about B. with C. to D. of

22. English has become the most widely spoken language in the world ______ its special role(作用) as an international language.

A. because B. from C. with D. because of

23. Food, ______ rice, Baozi and vegetables, _______ wasted a lot by the students.

A. for example, are B. such as, are C. like, are D. such as, is

24. It is about 600 years ago ______ the first clock was made.

A. that B. until C. before D. when

25. Mr. Smith will _________ in the movement.

A. play a leading part B. take parts

C. play leading part D. take a part

26. ----Are you familiar(熟悉) with the music?

-----Yes. There was ______ time _____ this kind of music was quite popular.

A. a , that B. a , when C. the, which D. the , when

27. A number of students _______ playing on the playground, but I don’t know what the exact(准确的) number ______.

A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is

28. I went to see the film last night. It was the second time that I ________ the film.

A. have seen B. saw C. see D. had seen

29. I don't think she is a nice woman. I’m ________ her empty talk.

A. grateful for B. tired of C. crazy about D. concerned

30. Now, you are a senior high student. You should _____ your time and study hard.

A. make good use of B. make a use of

C. make the use of D. make uses of



When Pat Jones finished college, she decided to travel around the world and see as many foreign places as she could 31 she was young. Pat wanted to visit Latin America first, so she got a job 32 an English teacher in a school in Bolivia. Pat spoke a little Spanish, 33 she was able to communicate with her students even when they didn’t 34 much English.

A sentence she had read somewhere was in her mind: if you dream 35 a foreign language, you have really mastered(掌握) it. Pat repeated this sentence to her students and hoped that some day she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in 36 .

One day, one of her 37 students came up and explained in Spanish that he had not done his homework. He had gone to bed early and had slept 38 .

“What does this have to do with your 39 ?” Pat asked.

“I dreamed all night, Miss Jones. And my dream was in English.”

“In English?” Pat was very 40 , since he was such a bad student. She was 41 secretly jealous(嫉妒的)。Her dream was still not in Spanish. But she encouraged(鼓舞) her young student, “Well, 42 me about your dream.”

“All the people in my dream 43 English. All the newspapers and magazines and TV programs were in English.”

“But that’s 44 ,”said Pat. “What did all the people say to you?”

“I’m sorry, Miss Jones. That’s 45 I slept so badly. I didn’t understand a word they said. It was a nightmare(噩梦)! ”

31. A. because B. if C. since D. while

32. A. for B. as C. of D. like

33. A. and B. yet C. but D. so

34. A. know B. say C. read D. write

35. A. of B. in C. about D. for

36. A. Spanish B. English C. Russian D. Spanish

37. A. worst B. bright C. best D. excellent

38. A. well B. soundly C. heavily D. badly

39. A. English B. language C. homework D. dream

40. A. pleased B. surprised C. worried D. excited

41. A. yet B. also C. still D. seldom

42. A. answer B. write C. ask D. tell

43. A. read B. spoke C. liked D. learned

44. A. funny B. terrible C. wonderful D. strange

45. A. how B. when C. because D. why


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