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1. What does the man think of the boy?

A. He is able to move. B. He is disabled. C. He needs help.

2. How did the speakers go there?

A. by car C. By bus C. On foot

3. What does the man think of the woman’s car?

A. Her car can stand any crash B. Her car is kept in good condition.

C. Her car is not as good as his.

4. Where are the speakers?

A. In India B. In China C. In America

5. What is probably the man?

A. A tour guide B. A bystander(旁观者) C. A lawyer

听下面5段材料。每段材料后有几个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段材料读两遍。

6. How many living rooms does the flat have? A. One B. Two C. Three

7. Which expense isn’t included in the rent? A. Heating ill B. Water bill C. Management fee

8. What are the speakers talking about at first?

A. An exam B. A match C. A TV program

9. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The girl got the highest record in her class. B. The girl plays the musical instruments.

C. The boy didn't do well in the exam.

10. What do we know about the boy?

A. He is good at English. B. He is interested in music. C. He doesn’t like watching TV.

11. What salary does the company pay in the first year? A. $15,000 B. $13,500 C. $10,500

12. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In the classroom B. In the office C. In their home

13. How many people will be hired? A. Two B. Three C. Four

14. What is the woman? A. A department manager B. A secretary C. An art designer

15. Why does the woman arrive early?

A. To make a good impression B. To talk with the man C. To know more about the company

16. What rule should the woman obey in the company?

A. Go to work earlier B. Keep her desk neat C. Never make personal phones calls

17. How many pieces of advice does the speaker offer altogether? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4

18. What might students need to imrove their English?

A. Special classes B. Study groups C. Private Instruction

19. What does the speaker’s second point focus on?

A.Making a study plan B. Writing a lot by keeping a journal

C. Planning your future work options

20. What is the benefit of getting out into the community for students?

A. Make new friends in different situations. B. Use the knowledge they have learned

C. Find work opportunities beyond campus.

第二节:单项填空 (共 20 小题,每题0.5分,共10分)

21. Please ask the salesgirl ____.

A. how much did it cost B. how much it costs C. how much it costed D. it cost how much

22. Mr. Blake ____ Shanghai in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane ____ on Sunday?

A. is le aving, takes off B. leaves, takes off C. is leaving, is taking off D. leaves, is taking off

23. Mr . White was made ___ general manager of the company yesterday. Look, ___ new manager is coming!

A. a; a B. a; the C. the;/ D. /; the

24. Oh, it’s you! I never ____ meeting here.

A. dreamed of we B. dreamed our C. dreamed of our D. dreamed that we

25. His teacher insisted that he ____ his hair ____ the next day.

A. had, to cut B. have, cut C. would have, to be cut D. should have, to cut

26 We’ll have to finish the work, ____.

A. no matter how long does it take B. it takes however long

C. however long it takes D. however it takes long

27. – Do you know the West Lake in Hangzhou?

– Yes, this is the third time that I ____ this beautiful city.

A. visit B. visited C. have visited D. had visited

28. —Smoking is bad for your health. — Yes, I know. But I simply can’t ____.

A. give it up B. give it in C. give it out D. give it away

29.This tree looks high and strong but ____ its trunk is hollow.

A. really B. truly C. actually D. surely

30. The scientists are now trying to discover what use could be ____ such material.

A. made out B. made up C. made of D. made from

31. He’s ____ working in Germany as a representative of a Chinese company.

A. at once B. at a time C. at present D. on time

32. – Are you getting a new apartment this year?

– ____ I can’t afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new apartment.

A. Not at all. B. You must be joking. C. Are you sure? D. Good idea!

33. The way ____ he spoke English is more like that of an American.

A. which B. how C. in which D. in that

34. When we climbed to the top of the mountain, we had a good ______ of the whole city.

A. scenery B. scene C. view D. sight

35. The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point _____ he can walk correctly and safely.

A. when B. where C. which D. whose

36. It wasn’t until nearly a month later ____ I received the manager’s reply.

A. since B. when C. as D. that

37. We went through a per iod _____ communications were very difficult in the rural areas.

A. which B. whose C. in which D. with which

38. Soon after Hitler______ power in Germany, Einstein was _____ in his life.

A. came to the ; in the trouble B. came to ; in trouble

C. came to the; in trouble D. took; in troubles

39. Sarah was ____ to study medicine to help the poor when she was a middle school student.

A. devoted B. concerned C. used D. determined

40. It was last week ____ the famous writer visited the village ____ he grew up as a child.

A. that; where B. which;that C. when;where D. that;which


Whenever I recall my childhood, there is one thing I remember clearly. My father used his 41 to let my mother 42 her parents who lived far away. There was just my younger brother and myself in the 43 . One evening, our father came home an d there was no 44 , not even a piece of bread. My father had no money and he was as 45 as we were. My brother and I went to bed without having anything.

46 I knew from the expressions on my father’s face that he could not 47 us be hungry for long. He left the house, and about two hours later he 48 and woke us up. He had two small potato pies in his hands. I didn’t know where he got the money for the food but somehow he 49 to find a way. It was clear that he wanted to get his children 50 .

My father did not eat and had 51 all day but he sat there and felt 52 at seeing us eat. This has always stuck in my 53 . At that moment, I felt 54 knowing that he tried his best not to let us 55 , and he wanted us to know he was always the re with us.

In 56 times, I think, it is important not to 57 weakness but strength. 58 the mothe r is the cement(黏合剂)that 59 a family together, then the father is the steel that strengthens that cement.

It is his values and 60 that have carried me forward and helped me deal with my own problems in life.

41 A. car B. ticket C. savings D. right

42. A. call B. visit C. bring D. invite

43. A. classroom B. office C. house D. farm

44. A. food[ B. drinks C. electricity D. gas

45. A. poor B. hungry C. angry D. sleepy

46. A. So B. Till C. But D. Since

47. A. hear B. let C. remember D. prevent

48. A. lost B. hid C. found D. returned

49. A. managed B. forgot C. needed D. refused

50. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything

51. A. bargained B. worked C. searched D. prepared

52. A. lucky B. sorry C. pleased D. regretful

53. A. mouth B. teeth C. mind D. chest

54. A. excited B. moved C. surprised D. frightened

55. A. change B. share C. wait D. suffer

56. A. difficult B. dangerous C. interesting D. comfortable

57. A. admit B. show C. discuss D. understand

58. A. Unless B. If C. Though D. Until

59. A. designs B. places C. takes D. holds

60. A. permission B. hobbies C. actions D. attitudes


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