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 英 语 试 题



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)



1. Who ill probably send this email?

A. Jane B. Peter C. Judy

2. What is the weather like today?

A. sunny B. rainy C. cloudy

3. What is the woman really interested in?

A. ships B. modern aircrafts C.future car

4. Which bed does the woman like?

A. the bed with the bedside table

B. the bed with the bedside light

C. the bed with the headboard

5. What happened to the man?

A. He was hit by another car.

B. His windscreen was hit by a stone.

C. He broke someone else’s windscreen.




6. When is Jane’s birthday?

A. 11th December B. 12th December C. 13th December

7. What did the man buy for Jane?

A. a hat B. a dress C. a book


8. What did the man do yesterday?

A.He had an interview. B.He quit his job. C.He went shopping.

9. When will the man know the results?

A.by next Friday B.by this Friday C.after this Friday


10. How much is a newly released movie?

A.$1.50 B. $2 C.$3.50

11. What does the man rent?

A.One newly released movie and two other movies.

B.Two newly released movies and two other movies.

C.Two newly released movies and three other movies.

12. On what day does this conversation take place?

A.Tuesday B.Wednesday C.Thursday


13. Why is Susan unhappy with the man?

A. She is probably unhappy with his exercise program.

B. She is probably unhappy with his new work program.

C. She is probably unhappy with his dog.

14. What does the man usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays?

A. He goes shopping. B. He goes on a diet. C. He lifts weights.

15. Why does the man go hiking on Saturdays?

A. It helps him get rid of his worries.

B. It helps him lose weight.

C. It provides him with opportunities to enjoy nature.

16. What does the man usually do on Sundays?

A. He watches TV at home. B. He takes his dog for a walk. C. He goes swimming.


17. How did people travel without roads and cars in the past?

A. They traveled with the help of animals.

B. They used logs on rivers and lakes.

C. They used rollers under boats.

18. What was the most important invention in transportation?

A. the wheel B. the Stagecoach C. the car

19. What is the advantage of the stagecoach?

A. It can transport more people.

B. It can travel faster and easier.

C. It can pull heavy loads.

20. What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A. difficulties in traveling B. ways of traveling in history C. how to travel with ease

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题l分,满分l5分)

21. We don’t need to do ___ extra work this evening. The day’s work was almost at ____ end now.

A. / ; an B. an; an C. the; the D. the; /

22. Although the number of competitors ___ limited, a number of our classmates ___ eager to take part in it.

A. are; are B. are; is C. is; are D. is; is

23. Could it be in the place ______ we visited yesterday ______ you left your book?

A. that; which B. in which; where C. where; that D. that; that

24. ______ more and more trees cut down, many animals and insects are dying out.

A. Because B. With C. As D. Since

25. Mother ______ him not to smoke, but he wouldn’t listen.

A. persuaded B. suggested C. advised D. hoped

26. —I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official.

—How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone ______ it.

A. will have stolen B. might have stolen C. should have stolen D. must have stolen

27. Though to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.

A. surprising B. was surprised C. surprised D. being surprised

28. I’ve always dreamt ______ living in a big house. After many years’ hard work, I’m thinking _____ moving and changing my small house ______ a larger one.

A. to; of; into B. about; about; with C. of; on; for D. about; of; for

29. I ______ say he ______ speak to her in public at that time, for he was such a shy boy.

A. dare; dares B. dare; didn’t dare to C. dared; dared D. dared; dared not to

30. He has made some spelling mistakes in the paper; ______, they are not serious.

A. but B. therefore C. even if D. however

31. Tom ______ close the window when his attention was caught by a bird.

A. was to B. went C. was about to D. would

32. They began to think about what use could be ______ such materials.

A. made up B. made from C. made out D. made of

33. The next thing he saw was smoke ______ from behind the house.

A. rose B. rising C. to rise D. risen

34. To learn to swim well, ___________.

A. one needs much practice B. much practice is needed

C. much practice needs D. one is needed much practice

35. —You could always put the decision off a little bit longer.

—_____ If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance.

A. That’s reasonable advice. B. Isn’t it a good idea?

C. Do you think so? D. I can’t agree more.

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题l分,满分20分)

Mickey was a cheerful boy. He didn’t 36 whatever people said to him. He never 37

anyone. Even our teachers liked his 38 . I always wondered why he never got 39 . I found the secret in his bedroom.,

When I first came to Mickey’s house, I was 40 to the wall of his bedroom.The huge wall was a unique collage (拼贴画) of thousands of 41 and shapes! “Some people at school think I never think 42 of anyone.”Mickey started to 43 to me, “and that nothing at all bothers me, but that’s not 44 . I used to get angry easily. But years ago, 45 the help of my parents.I started a small collage.I could 46 any kind of material and color for it.On every little piece I stuck I 47 some bad thoughts.”

I looked 48 at the wall. In each one of the small pieces I could read,in tiny 49 , “fool”, “idiot”, “pain”,“ 50 ”, and a thousand other negative thing.

“Now I like the collage so much that, each time someone makes me angry, I couldn’t be 51 . They've given me a new piece for my work of art.”

I never 52 how an ordinary classmate had shown me the secret of changing the 53 times into a chance to smile.On that very day, I began my own 54 . I recommended it to my friends and we all became more 55 .

36.A.think B.mind C.respect D.believe

37.A.hurt B.accepted C.helped D.begged

38.A.head B.body C.score D.character

39.A.proud B.excited C.angry D.surprised

40.A.changed B.attracted C.annoyed D.stopped

41.A.places B.spots C.photos D.colors

42.A.badly B.seriously C.easily D.fully

43.A.show B.explain C.point D.shout

44.A.bad B.perfect C.true D.obvious

45.A. for B.with C.on D.at

46. A.use B.enjoy C.receive D.plan

47.A.got B.lost C.found D.added

48.A.closely B.completely C.quickly D.slowly

49.A.letters B.signs C.notes D.names

50.A.luck B.pleasure C.bore D.fun

51.A.busier B.sadder C.happier D.smarter

52.A.spoke B.judged C.remembered D.forgot

53.A.mad B.difficult C.popular D.good

54.A.collage B.painting C.design D.dance

55.A.cheerful B.careful C.powerful D.thoughtful


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