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共 5 页,满分150分,

第一部分听力 (共两节,满分30分)

第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最



1.Where does the conversation happen?

A.In a shop. B.In a restaurant. C.In a hotel.

2.Where is the sound lab?

A.Next to the woman’s omce.

B.Opposite Room l03.

C.Next to Room l03.

3.What does the woman prefer?

A.Fish and vegetables.

B.Meat and fish.

C.Fruit and vegetables.

4.What does the woman want to do?

A.She wants to buy a yellow skirt.

B.She wants to get a refund.

C.She wants to make an exchange.

5.Why can’t the man go shopping?

A.He has some work to do.

B.He needs to give a report now.

C.His boss is coming to see him.







6.Who is going to graduate?

A.Sue. B.Frank. C.Mike.

7. What is probably the man’s major?

A.Computer science. B.Education. C.Physics.

8.What do we know about the woman?

A.She majors in computer science.

B.She has 3 terms left before graduation.

C.She is getting tired of school life.


9.To what kind of person you may say“Fingers were made before forks”?

A.The bad—mannered. B.A lazy person. C.The poor.

10.What were forks first used for?

A.Working. B.Eating. C.Playing.

11.When were forks first used at the table in Italy?

A.In the 6th century.

B.In the llth century.

C.In the l7th century.


12.Which month is it now?

A.January. B.February. C.March.

13.When should the woman finish her outline?

A.By February 7. B.By January 31. C.By January 25.

14.What should the woman do before starting writing?

A.Finish the research.

B.Have group discussions.

C. Talk with the man.


15.What is the probable relationship between the man and Stephen?

A.Neighbors. B.Classmates. C.Teacher and pupil.

16.How old is Stephen?

A.12. B.8. C.5.

17.What did the famous artists think of Stephen’s drawings?

A.They are very strange.

B.They are very well—drawn.

C.They need improvement.


18.Where will the lecture be given?

A.At the bookshop.

B.In the library.

C.In Allen Hall.

19.What is the lecture about?

A.The writer’s latest novel.

B.The writer ’s success story.

C.The writer’s recent journey.

20.Whom is the talk given to?

A.All the students. B.The seniors. C.The freshmen.


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