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高一英语测试题 Unit1 Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing(必修1)




Unit 1 Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing 精品练习1(人教版必修1)


1.“I am repairing my bike,”Jack said.

→Jack said________ ________ ________ repairing________bike.

答案:that he was;his

2.“Is your son going to Shanghai tomorrow?”Tom asked me.

→Tom ask ed me____ ____ ________ ________ ________going to Shanghai________ ________ _____ ___.

答案:whether/if my son was;the next following day

3.“Y ou have finished your homework,haven’t you?”my mother asked.

→My m other asked me________ ________ ________ finished my homework.

答案:whether/if I had

4.Mum said to me,“You’d better see your grandparents this afternoon.”

→Mum told me that I had better see________ grandparents________ ________.

答案:my;that afternoon

5.He asked me what I was doing when Fred went in.

→He asked,“What________ ________ ________ when Fred________ ________?”

答案:were you doing;came in

6.I told him that I had lost my purse and that I would try to find it.

→I said to him,“I________ ________my purse and I________try to find it.”

答案:have lost;will

7.Susan asked her husband how much they had spent on food that year.

→“How much________ ________ spent on food________ ________?”Susan asked her husband.

答案:have we;this year

8.He told me that he had left for London before I had emailed him.

→He said to me,“________ ________ ________ for London before________ ________ ________.”

答案:I had left;you emailed me



The man asked_______ _he should wait for them________go on。



Our physics teacher told us that light________ ________ than sound.

答案:travels faster


The woman asked me________ ________ ________get to the stat ion.

答案:how she could


The headmaster asked ________ ________ ________ ________.

答案:what my name was


He ________ ________ ________ I knew how to get to the library.

答案:asked me if/whether


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