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(Text 8)

M:Judy,I hear you are going to Spain!

W:Yes,the company my mother works in gives her a ten?day holiday.She want me to go see her there.

M:Wow!What places will you visit?

W:I’ve no idea.I might also go to some other countries,like Germany and France.

M:So have you got your passport and air ticket?

W:I’ve got my passport.My uncle went to the airport today to buy the ticket.

M:That’s good.

W:Dave,can you do me a favor?

M:What do you need?

W:You know my grandfather doesn’t like pets.Can you look after Kitty while I’m away?

M:Great!She gets along with my dog,Max.

(Text 9)

M:So Lisa,the second question,what’s it like to be a model?

W:Well,it’s hard to describe.Most people consider it an attractive job that will make a lot of money.

M:What else could it be?

W:Um...Sometimes I have to stand for a whole day and cannot even have a drink.

M:It must be very tiring.

W:Yes,you’re right.

M:Well,no job is perfect.So,can you describe a typical day of a model?

W:OK.If there is a show,I must get up early.That’s the most difficult for me.Then I have to do lots of preparation work like putting on,make?up and getting the dresses ready.

M:So what kind of training do you need?

W:Well,lots of things,like standing in beautiful poses,standing still.And the most important thing is to change clothes as quickly as you can.

M:Well,Lisa,thank you so much for answering our questions.I’ll send you our magazine as soon as it comes out.

W:Thank you!

(Text 10)

Hello,everybody.Today we are going to watch a movie.So first of all,I will introduce to you some types of movies.I know science fiction films.They are full of ima gination-people from distant planets,UFOs,unknown powers from other planets,and heroes to save the world.I like these films because they have exciting high technology and beautiful scenes in them,and I admire the people who stand out to save the world.I’ve watched the science fiction film 2012 several times.I like comedy films most.They have interesting plots and people laugh a lot when they are watching them.Whenever I watch the famous actor Zhou Xingchi’s films,I feel very relaxed.And there is another kind of movies that I seldom watch.These films are very popular among youth,especially those made in Japan and Korea,such as The Ring from Japan.The music and pictures in these films are terrible.They are really scary!

答案:1~5.CBABB 6~10.BCABA 11~15.CBCBC



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