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13.What does the woman think of being a model?

A.Attractive. B.Challenging. C.Tiring.

14.What is the hardest thing for the woman?

A.Putting on make?up.

B.Getting up early.

C.Getting the dresses ready.

15.What is the most important thing?

A.Standing in beautiful poses.

B.Standing still.

C.Changing clothes quickly.

16.What is the possible relationship between the speakers?

A.Interviewer and interviewee.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Boss and secretary.


17.What kind of film is 2012?

A.A science fiction film.

B.A horror film.

C.An action film.

18.What films does the speaker like best?

A.Science fiction films.

B.Comedy films.

C.Horror films.

19.What will the speaker do next?

A.Go to the cinema.

B.Watch a movie.

C.Discuss movies.

20.Where is the film The Ring made?

A.In America.  B.In Japan.  C.In Korea.


(Text 1)

M:It tastes horrible!Look at the fish!It’s not fresh!

W:Yes,but the service here is better than at school.

(Text 2)

M:You look so tired.Are you sick,Granny?

W:No.The neighbour’s baby was crying all night,and I couldn’t fall asleep.

(Text 3)

M:Hello,I’m calling to ask whether you’re still looking for someone to share your house.

W:Yeah,I am.There is an empty room.

(Text 4)

W:The weather report says there will be heavy rain tomorrow.

M:Really?But I’ve promised to take the kids to Disneyland.

W:That’s too bad.You can watch cartoons with them at home instead.

(Text 5)

M:Where were you at noon?I was waiting for you in the dining room.

W:Sorry to miss you.I was reading a novel in the library and didn’t notice the time.

M:You have a bad memory.

(Text 6)

W:So,Michael,how did the car accident happen?

M:Well,last night I went to pick my daughter and her friend up from the airport.It was raining.When I was driving home on the highway,a speeding car crashed into my car from behind.

W:Oh my god!Was anyone hurt?

M:I was safe,but the children were not so lucky.I’ve just returned from the hospital.

(Text 7)

W:Hello,Professor Green.This is Cathy,from your history class.I’m calling to ask whether I can borrow your class notes of last Friday.I didn’t attend the biology and history classes because I had a fever.

M:I heard that.How are you now?

W:Better,thanks.Will you have class next Monday,Professor?

M:Um...I’m afraid not.

W:Then next Thursday?

M:Yeah,I’ll go to school next Thursday.

W:Great!I’ll have classes in the morning that day.After that I will go to your office.

M:No problem.


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